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Weekly AQ Production Progress Report

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Russ specifically stated a few times it was the Impulse AQ. Maybe he does need to be given a very small break , maybe not since returning. But I would think he would be given a checklist of features that he could talk about publicly. Again , its common sense ( to me anyway ) why not have a meeting with all departments to be on the same page ? What can and cannot be discussed. I do know about sales/marketing. Many want to impress so much they make blanket statements covering all the bases. Over promise and under deliver just makes one look foolish. I don't see wireless for this as an example. But I don't have the tech knowledge like some of you on here. Surprised Rick hasn't chimed in being the only dealer in the know...probably playing it smart...lol..

For me , I'm glad there are testers giving feedback both good and bad. On any product. It's what "The Team" does with it next is the issue. Hopefully everything is corrected before the final release. 

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6 minutes ago, Rick Kempf said:

Russ is not in Marketing. As far as I know - nobody is these days - the heads of Marketing were let go some time ago.

Russ works remotely, he is not in El Paso and may not have been there yet - since he came back to FTP

FTP has notoriously poor internal communications

A number of the details he related about the AQ are unlikely to be correct. Here is my view based on what I have heard along the way. I am not infallible on this.

Hardwired coil. No. Various size coils - yes

Wireless headphones - unlikely

14” coil extremely unlikely

Gulf salinity issues fixed with some kind of modification - no - it was fixed by more carefully securing the coil cable to the shaft.

100% discrimination between iron and gold - NO

20’ depth for diving - maybe

Price >$2k - almost certainly

8 - 10 hours on a battery - likely

Replaceable Lion batts - yes

Date - if you want to lose money, bet on any detector being available on a pre-announced date!!




Well ok then , if you want to get technical it's Digital Marketing ! Yeah , I until a cure is made , marketing will never be the same. It's all this zoom stuff now and old school pickup the phone.

But I do like ALL of what you said on what you think about the AQ and where it stands now. Makes total sense. Especially betting on a release date ! But damn , the in house  communication breakdowns are so lame....

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