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Tarsacci Going Home

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8 hours ago, midalake said:

Looks like the non-waterproof version.  USPS is a train wreck. We know who to thank. 

They are all waterproof I only covered the speaker as a precaution. This unit is over two years old so at first I was leary of the speaker as many Nox detectors at the time were flooding and some thru the speaker. This machine was always water tight though. Not so much now. 

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Dangggggg.  They did a job on it.  Sorry for your loss.  I’ve always covered my speaker even on my dirt machines…. and just never used um anyway.  Speaker may or may not leak… but I never took the chance.  Just like drilling a drain hole at the bottom of the lower shaft for sand and water to escape.  Hope everything turns out for you Thomas.  Shipping now days is crazy and expensive.

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2 hours ago, dewcon4414 said:

Dangggggg.  They did a job on it.  Sorry for your loss.  I’ve always covered my speaker even on my dirt machines…. and just never used um anyway.  Speaker may or may not leak… but I never took the chance.  Just like drilling a drain hole at the bottom of the lower shaft for sand and water to escape.  Hope everything turns out for you Thomas.  Shipping now days is crazy and expensive.

Thanks Dew, I’m sure it will come back good as new. I sent my AQ to the UK 14 weeks ago no problem and have mailed many coils and detectors all over the country . This is my first bad experience and it’s a doozy. My AQ  is on  it’s way back now from the UK so I hope the is not an omen. Fingers crossed.

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2 hours ago, dewcon4414 said:

Humm I’m wondering who ya sent the AQ to?  Thou I likely know.  Man it’s hunting time hope ya got more machines.  I’ve still got three…. Just got n case.  

I have more machines than I know what to do with, but have bonded well with my AQ. I have two so I’m good. I do miss the Tarsacci though as I use it 30 percent of the time. 2 swords,1 blue,2 green,1 CTX,1 NOX 800, 1 multi cruiser, 1 705, 2 VALLONS, 1 dual field all drawing dust lol. Season is just cranking up here. Dimitar called with a number for the crushed box. Was good I think but still must find the original issue. He is leaving the speaker out for me also. Stay tuned for final results. 

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Looks like you have the best of the best machine wise.   Ive managed to de-clutter the machines i wasnt using.... and frankly would let the Nox go if i thought id never need it for dirt hunting.  My Nox has a new coil (broke the ears) and box (battery died and stress cracks).   A good bit of the red has faded from my buttons.... other than that this machine has been very durable.  Seems i was always working on the Xcal.... but those babies pay for themselves.  Thats why i didnt let go of Ole Blue with its PPer.  Seems i must have gotten one of the last 3000 lith battery made by RB as well.  You definitely have more experience with the PIs than me so i can see how the AQ suits you well.  Time for you to get out there and enjoy the sun and get some gold buddy.

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