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Fisher F-5 Vs. F-70

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Since you already own a Simplex, I wouldn't really bother with the F70.  The Nokta accessory coils are superior to the Fisher coils IMO.  The Simplex you already own also has more advanced features than the F70.  Save your money for Nokta coils.

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Well, been looking for a 9.5"d.d. coil for my 2.68 Simplex. All I hear is I have to upgrade to be able to use the 8.5 or 9.5 by nokta.Well ,guess what found a new 9.5"x 5" d.d. by NEL for my simplex and its perfect?

The F-70 does great with my three coils the 11"x7" ; 9.5",5'' shooter mostly use the smaller coils and planning on keeping it for a while.All this new detector technology is not for me at 80 years of age.Saw a super so call 1266x which was use by nasa its $1200.00 and they make it sound like it can pull chinese up by their gold teeth its at flea-Bay.Check it out.

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Well, been looking for a 9.5"d.d. coil for my 2.68 Simplex. All I hear is I have to upgrade to be able to use the 8.5 or 9.5 by nokta.Well ,guess what found a new 9.5"x 5" d.d. by NEL for my simplex and its perfect?

The F-70 does great with my three coils the 11"x7" ; 9.5",5'' shooter mostly use the smaller coils and planning on keeping it for a while.All this new detector technology is not for me at 80 years of age.Saw a super so call 1266x which was use by nasa its $1200.00 and they make it sound like it can pull chinese up by their gold teeth its at flea-Bay.Check it out.

Use the machines that bring you the most enjoyment. I see all the new ones on the horizon and still check the weather and if it looks half descent out I'll take my Tesoro over the others. It may not be the fastest nor the deepest but that simple beep and making me think whats below puts a smile on my face.

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