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  1. I'm always in a hurry when I detect, are there any collapsible it's quick change rods out there? I hate the push button connectors
  2. I have a T2 as well as a (pre-DST) F75. They're both great machines in many respects. One thing I don't like are the foam grips that both machines use. They get dirty really easily in the field and hard impossible to clean thoroughly. Does anyone use a cover/alternative grip on their machines? I remember seeing someone a few years back with a leather cover over the grip on a T2 that looked cool and provided lots of protection. I'm curious if anyone knows where to get one of those/knows of something similarly hefty you can buy that would provide similar protection?
  3. I've always been a dance with who brung ya kind of guy with coils and pretty much the largest coil on the 75 i've used has been the stock dd. Been looking around at the aftermarket coils and am intrigued by some of the larger ones. I don't think i'd want to go with a huge one but maybe just a little bit bigger than the stock because i don't want it to weigh a ton. Just wondering some opinions on what success (or disapointments) you've had with aftermarkets.
  4. Hi! Pretty busy these days delivering everybody's Amazon packages and whole food deliveries and save Mart, and then Walmart spark while I work the other 40 hours a week trying to create education management systems and stuff to help my kids which I will one day hopefully be able to release to the public. Anyhow, I've got my f75 LTD that I run with me from China and I love it. However, having once had a GPZ 7000 and a gold monster I long for those things. I'm pretty busy right now so I'm okay that I can't purchase them again yet, but looking at the manticore discounts, combined with the fact that I just got permission to metal detect in a pretty famous house built in 1938 here in Reno, I was kind of thinking about springing for a manicor actually financing one. When the summer comes next year or the spring, I'd like to hit some more trails around Carson City. Maybe spend some more time in Tahoe with my family. I can't go on those schools seeking dreams right now, but I'm wondering Is the manticore really a lot better than the f-75 LTD? It seems on fine gold it is. You know I stop all the time wherever I'm at w at and bring my f75 out of the car and look around. Sure would be nice if they had some collapsing rods for that I hate the push button thing to j disassemble the rod. I know the manticore is a little bit more compact. But is it better than the f75? I'm not going to do that dig I think until spring even though I'm dying to do it. I thought about calling the Reno you know guy and seeing if he wants to video it. I don't want to ruin the hunt using my f75 when I should maybe step up to the Manticore.. Well I'm looking for a place to buy one right now and use the discount depending on what everybody says about how it works compared to the f-75. I mean the Black Friday discount. I went to Rob's detectors and I saw they had a military discount 15%. I taught kids nearly 20 years and adults Is it only military that gets the discounts when buying metal detectors? If anybody knows of a teacher's discount let me know. I did a ton of searching and I can't seem to find anybody that upgraded their f75 to amanticore. And it seems like my f75 is a little more than a glorified pin pointer. Ice looking at getting the Garrett wireless headphones for it in that new 12-in coil that fisher made. Funny enough, my profind 35 is acting pretty weird. When I looked at the shopping cart for the $199 coil, and the headset and the pin pointer it was like five or 600 bucks really close to the price of a manticore... Maybe I'll just buy that old coil and line my ducks up. Maybe the manticore hmmm.. Sure do love this forum
  5. Lots of people may think they have owned a Fisher, Tesoro, White's, or other brand detector, when in fact they really owned a Dave Johnson Detector. The companies came and went but the mind behind many of the best detectors ever made belonged to Dave Johnson. He was like a professional gunslinger that everyone hired at one time or another. From Interview with Dave Johnson at https://www.fisherlab.com.ua/downloads/documents/journals/Interview-with-Dave.pdf Many of the people reading this interview unknowingly own products of your design. Would you mind listing them? My first metal detector (in 1971) was a portable experimental vehicle detector for use on roadway loops. It discriminated between cars and trucks, but to become a practical product would have required a lot of development and nobody was interested in investing in it. Fisher in California: 1260, 1220, 1210, 1235, 1225, 1212, 1265, 1266, CZ6, CZ5, CZ20, original Gold Bug, Gold Bug II, Gemini, and industrial instruments including TW6, FX3, XLT-16, PF-18, and circuitry of the TW-770. Tesoro: Diablo MicroMax, Lobo SuperTraq. White's: GMT, MXT, analog circuitry of DFX, Beach Hunter and PCL-600 line tracer. Troy: X-5 and X-3. FTP Bounty Hunter: major revisions to existing platforms most of which originated with George Payne. The BH Junior, Platinum, Gold and security wand (sold under various trademarks) were new designs. FTP Teknetics: T2, Alpha, Delta, Gamma, Omega, G2. FTP Fisher: F2, F4, F5, F75, F70, new Gold Bug, circuitry of the TW-82 industrial line tracer. In the case of microprocessor-driven FTP products, the software was coded by John Gardiner and Jorge Anton Saad. Mechanical designs were done mostly by other people, but I engineered the ergonomics of the T2 mechanical design, which is also used on the F75. See also Detector Stuff Interviews FT-Fisher Engineers, David Johnson and John Gardiner at http://detectorstuff.com/detector-stuff-interviews-ft-fisher-engineers-david-johnson-and-john-gardiner/ Dave's detectors are more similar than not. There is a direct progression from the old analog with knobs 19 kHz Fisher Gold Bug, to the 17 kHz Tesoro Lobo ST, the 19 kHz Troy X5, the 15 kHz White's MXT, 19 kHz digital Fisher Gold Bug, and finally 13 kHz Teknetics T2 and Fisher F70/F75. Having used them all I can attest to a similar feel driven by the same ideas and methodologies of the mind behind the machines. Want people to know you own one of the Dave Johnson detectors listed above? Just download and print the attached logo and apply to your detector.
  6. My favorite settings from my first one. 60 to 70 sensitivities, 39-disc, boost process. Such a powerful, easy to use interface. Nice.
  7. One of the Meteorite Men, Geoff Notkin has a lot of things up for auction including two of his metal detectors! If you want to see a vast array of meteorites and possibly purchase one at auction go here: https://fineart.ha.com/c/ecatalog.zx?saleNo=8089&ic5=CatalogHome-AucType-PrintedCatalogViewer-071515 I have met Geoff on two or three trips to Tucson Gem and Mineral Show over the years and I've purchased a couple of his books. He is quite a character and quite a nice guy.
  8. Question for Rob, Chris or Steve. Do any of you know why Fisher's Gold Strike never took off and became popular? I got to test one out several years back and it seemed to be a worthy gold machine.
  9. Version 8730009


    Fisher Gold Strike Operating Manual, 856 KB pdf file, 28 pages Fisher Gold Strike Data & Reviews Fisher Gold Strike Color Brochure First Texas (Fisher) Forum
  10. I got lucky at the recent East Texas Treasure Show and found a nice used Fisher F5. I specifically wanted to try this detector because of the separate Gain & Threshold controls along with Target ID and the running Ground Phase and Mineralization scale. I hope it may prove a less powerful but versatile companion to the Vista X at a lower kHz frequency. I am surprised that I can not seem to pull anything up from the past in this forum on it. Any comments from those who have used a F5 would be appreciated.
  11. Reading the recent conversation prompted by @Daniel Tnon his Manticore comparison at his hot dirt deep bullet site, I have been considering my All Metal capable detectors. I would normally use my AT Max if I wanted to run true motion All Metal. I have a good selection of coils for it. I also have a F5 with a NEL Sharpshooter coil. The F5 has a nice motion All Metal mode. My question is; Is the F5 motion All Metal mode inferior to a F75/T2 in motion All Metal using a comparable 11" size coil? I may want to consider getting a 11" size coil for the F5 if it is powerful enough.
  12. I just got a Fisher TW5 and the speaker is not working. Head phones are working ok, and cant find anything obviously wrong with the circuit board, speaker, switching or wiring. Maybe somebody disabled the speaker ?? Not sure, so a diagram would be much appreciated. I have the Operator Manual for TW6 and Gemini 3, nothing in them about troubleshooting the speaker circuit. Many thank for any suggestions you might have.
  13. Fisher have finally updated their website, no longer a 1990's website, perhaps one of the kids of the staff did it for them for a few bucks, regardless of how, it's finally there and is quite good, a great improvement. First Texas Products Metal Detectors Unfortunately, the fancy new website doesn't make their product line any newer. It's still a work in progress by the look of it, it has an online store although not populated with products. Many links don't work on it yet either, for example you can't click on More Info for the T2 to see it's description. They have also changed the wording on many of their marketing spiels for the detectors, no longer are they full of outdated statements, often they were either false advertising or just outright lies, these are now reworded to be more realistic yet still good marketing without the outlandish claims. No mention at all of the Impulse AQ/Gold products on the new website or even a link to the specific website for that product line, very telling that. It's a fizzer. Good work Fisher, I'm glad you've done this, now we just hope you can get some new decent product to market. They still have the old website online too here Fisher Research Laboratory - manufacturer of metal detectors for homeland security, industrial and hobbyists alike (fisherlab.com) Why they haven't pointed that domain name to the new site is a puzzle to me.
  14. From things I've read and heard, there is a small but loyal following for at least some of the CZ series (with single digits, -3, -4, -5, -6, etc.) and even claims that they are still today among the best coin detectors. I wasn't detecting when this series was available and don't know any more than a few snippets here and there in posts. They do show up on eBay and from (at least some of) the prices, I surmize they are still in demand. Would someone post an overview of the series, highs and lows, pluses and minuses, etc.? I think I've read that Tom Dankowski used to mod one of these models for extra depth. Also wondering if Dave Johnson had a hand in the design/engineering of this series or if they occurred in the time window when he was working elsewhere.
  15. Any idea since the manual will not tell you??? Thanks.
  16. Hi, I own a CZ-5 since 1994 and still use it today. I noticed a rattling sound inside the control box recently and I wanted to open it and give it a clean but couldn't find any screws. Can someone give instruction on how to do it ? Thank you!
  17. I am super happy that I just got an absolutely "like New" Los Banos 1236X2 on eBay. It tickles the hell out of me now that I have what might be the only absolutely as new perfect los Banos 1236x2. This one is SN 90272. Likely never saw dirt. Came with unused coils...8", 5" and the rare 10X5 elliptical. I just ordered a new 10.5 coil for it to complete the set. While I was poking around on various forums about the 1236X2, I found this Hymn to them...by Keith Southern. Pardon if I am cross-posting, because I am not sure which forum it originally appeared on...but Keith The 1236-X2 might be the best detector ever built by fisher or any manufacture ..The Machine may not air-test the best or unmask in air-test the best but get it in the dirt where it counts and you will see it goes deep and pulls items out of iron with the best of them..It is a phenomenal detector.... I have pulled some real nice finds with mine and would never be without one...Get the 5 incher for the trash..run it in iron disc pre-set and by all means do not turn that silencer on... learn the language of the machine...If you run the silencer on you are basically running like any other machine out there... Remember quiet is nice but it kills masked targets and iffy deep targets...with the silencer off you will be hearing the targets that are discriminated out .. they will be pop's and sputter's and spit's..but not round sounding if that makes sense to you..what this allows is a good non-ferrous target to bleed through the discriminated out nail's (when set at the iron preset nails sputter big iron sound junky broken like) so you can hear the target with a nice audio response..these type targets will take awhile to get use to but once you hear the target a few times that is being masked you will know what to listen for...Also try to stay with the low ohm headphones like the stock fisher phones they replicate the detector sound so much better than the killer b type phones and such of high ohms they make it hard to discern a target...the audio which can speak volumes to you is best replicated at around 8 ohms or so..Deep targets have a fuzzy type sound that would be completely quite if the silencer was on..I have ran the 1236 against some big dog detectors in my personal test and the 1236 will hear deep targets just like the big machines but it has its own language...Again what is happening is the 1236 hears it all like ground noise and such and can report a target lurking below the mineralization..a lot of machines when canceling out the mineral also cancel the target since it cant break through the extra filtration of the signal going on from the ground reading..but the 1236 just blends it and you listen for the fuzzy round modulated hit.. Now the 1236 loves round targets be it low conductor buttons or high silver coins...I have actually found coins with the 1236 that I thought I would never find one being a 2 cent Piece out of a thick bed of nails that I had pounded on with probably 12-15 machines and the other being a 177? Spanish 2-Reale which is just about unheard of in my North Georgia area and it too was in a bed of nails.... I have found many relics with it also behind other machine's and in pure machine gun type iron... Once you get the language down and listen to some noise the 1236 is one hard machine to beat in mineralized dirt and it just can’t hardly be beat in nails...Remember iron sites are a important for making find's because where there is iron like nails and stove parts and horse shoes and busted kettles and such is the habitation sites and that where the finds are at but it is hard to get stuff out of these sites...and the 1236 is one of the better machines I have ever had at picking through sites like this....There's a couple more that will hang with it and they don’t have a meter neither.. Good luck with one of fisher's greatest
  18. Now that Garrett has decided they are serious about staying competitive in the game, and Minelab appears to know their offerings are aging and have issues by announcing a new model, and Nokta has upped their game with a Equinox Clone, Where is Fisher.? Cosmetic changes to the Antique Gold Bug, and F75, Really.! ANY Rumors of Modern VLF or Pulse Detectors being tested for even Pre-Production.? Fisher Management -- If you have things in the works SPEAK UP, you can ONLY help yourself by doing so, if you do not, Your Loyal Old Customer Base is going to give up on you.! Let them know you are still a player, if you no longer have management with a passion for the hobby and business, Change Management, before you become the next Legendary Company after Whites to go out of business after losing the passion that made them who they were.!
  19. With a GPX leading the way marking bullets so that we could test...which VLF would you say did the best? T2 with stock coil. Deus2 with 9 inch coil and 11x13. MCore with 11 inch coil. All Metal modes on all 3 machines. Deepest bullet was 14 inches. Most were 8 to 10 inches. Take your best guesses and I'll do a write up later.
  20. Is there a new F-pulse out? Or is this just the earlier change where the bugs were fixed on the first ever model. I bought one of the newer ones that had those initial bugs fixed but I checked my box and it doesn't have this new and improved sticker on it. A guy in NZ bought one at our dealer today and his had this new and improved sticker on it. I captured the photo from his video showing his new pinpointer. See the yellow new and improved over to the left.....
  21. Howdy. Not new to metal detectors by any means, but just took possession of new Fisher F-75 Limited Edition. I see down LEFT side of screen: Discrim, Sensitivity, Disc. Level, Notch, # of Tones, and Process #. HOWEVER, when pressing the MENU button, ONLY the "All Metal" and other choices under it on the RIGHT side of screen are highlighted? I was able to somehow knock out Iron 15 and Foil 25, but now not sure how I did it. Am I missing something? PS: I've ordered 4 new detectors this past month and the F75 was the 4th. I believe it is going to take the place of my 20 year old Whites SLT Spectrum IF I can figure out some of the adjustments. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Have gone cross-eyed from reading the manual and trying to retain everything. THANKS to all in advance! "Bo"
  22. Hi everyone. I have technical Question about Gemini3. Does this detector work in cave (confined places)? And is it possible to check objects embedded deep inside walls with Gemini3 (by holding horizontally facing to wall)?
  23. Not sure if anyone knows but does the F5 have a true Threshold based discrimination (where you see no TID on targets below the threshold set)? Seems majority of digital machines simply turn off the audio when discriminating. Thanks
  24. yes i got a question I've noticed some metal detecting sites are showing the fisher f44 metal detector with boost mode on it , you can see boost mode on the picture showing the display , i was just wondering if thats a new version or a mistake ? thanks
  25. Someone is selling a Fisher 1212-X in NZ at the moment, looks mint condition, $50 NZD, about $30 USD at the moment with no interest in it. I'm very tempted to buy it. I've always wanted a classic, at the moment my GB2 is my classic but this looks the ticket. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/marketplace/building-renovation/tools/other/listing/3380456910?bof=glG5OYbr I am guessing other than the coil it comes with I'd be stuck with no alternative coils though, no modern Fisher coils would work on it? I'd imagine its quite good at deep silvers with it's 4.2kHz frequency, 4kHz on my Multi frequency detector is a serious deep silver frequency. It looks pretty cool and for $50 NZD it's basically free. The other interesting thing is they marketed it with a lifetime warranty, in NZ it's illegal to say that is to the original owner, so technically it's still under warranty ?
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