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Need Help With My Whites Eagle Spectrum


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Josh - I've spent my time on models that followed after the Sprectrum, but believe it essence it's a V3i light. I've used the V3i very successfully next to many modern detectors.  I also have the Deus.  I think they each have areas they excel and best the other.  

If you have the manual, got through it thoroughly.  I'm sure it can be found online if you don't have it.  

Bury a coin in your yard in an clean area (take a dime at 6 inches and if you can find that with confidence, you are on your way), and test your various programs.  Again, not certain on Spectrum settings, but you may be able to adjust settings to account for swing speed and coil size.  You will note that the different programs will likely result in some missing the target and other finding it.  Adjust your swing speed to see how that factors in.  If you swing speed is too fast for the filters in the program, you can go right over a good target without knowing it.  Same can be true for too slow.  An IDX can go super slow on the wing and respond well, but I'd have to make many adjustments to get my V3i to respond similarly.  Wish i had more knowledge of your specific unit, but a some simple tests will build your confidence.

If you are using a small coil (<=6"), you won't get very deep.  In my Oregon soil, 4" tops.  You may do better in sweet midwest soil.  Too big of a coil on mineralized ground, and your depth will hit a floor where the soil mineralization overcomes the response.  In my soil, it doesn't matter how big of a coil or what detector i use...10" is about the limit on a quarter sized target....and a bit less for a penny.  

Best of luck!

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   Have many years on this machine, and Relic Program is a great way to learn what the Eagle is telling you. Like Locator, I suggest Relic but turn on "Mixed Mode" as well and really not fool with any other settings for now, because there are many advantages of having MM on for learning the Eagle's language. Best advantage is it being an All Metal mode there is a big increase in depth on old coins and relics without having to dabble to deep into all the different settings. Operates as 2 tone , now the rejected targets (ex. iron rubbish) give a low tone and you can quickly pass over and ignore, and focus on the high tone targets that you're more interested in digging. Factory programs are mildly set and null/blank out the rejected targets, therefor masking out good targets. Most folks today are setting up all the new latest and greatest VLF detectors on the current market to run this way. We've learned opening up the detector this way, where we hear it all, has great benefits. Next advantage while using MM, now you can slow way down with your sweep speed and pace all together for improved gridding. All the factory programs are setup in Discrimination mode which requires a more aggressive, constant and consistent swing, where by turning on non motion Mixed Mode you can operate at your own comfortable pace, I like to crawl with my Spectrum. MM goes deep, and its normal to see higher VDI's on targets deeper ten 10" or so, like 90-95. Sensitivity settings others mentioned, and the main one not mentioned, PreAmp Gain, can aid in the detectors  performance on deeper targets, but you need to know what they are, and when you can adjust. AC Sense - this increases Discrimination sensitivity only  (This setting would boost all Factory Programs) DC Sense - this increases All Metal sensitivity only  (an adjustment which could enhance Mixed Mode, if needed).   PreAmp Gain is the overall main sensitivity adjustment setting for the detector in all modes. I always prefer getting the gain from using MM and leave PreAmp alone, but there are times where she's running so smooth I'm able to bump it up a notch. These sensitivities can be bumped up to the detectors edge of stability for maximized depth, but a smooth running detector always works best.  I run her hot, twitching on the edge of stability, and for my soil my settings are usually at AC- 72 , DC- 55, PreAmp- 1 as an example.                                          Mixed Mode Relic is a great setup no matter what your searching for, play with it, MM "on" or "off" on targets to get a feel for what's going on. If your selected site is way busy with targets and very close to one another, for some, MM can be a bit much on the ears and head, but I enjoy the chaos of signals to reap the rewards. So if you prefer the ole traditional, "if it Beeps- I dig" setup, simply select a factory program and try to bump up your AC and PreAmp sensitivies for deeper targets, but its hard to beat MM. Bumping up the DC Sense in Factory/Disc modes is only going to enhance pinpoint depth.          This detector is still top of the line and performs just as well as todays newest releases for coins and relics, and once learned you can dig deeper into the settings to reap even more performance advantages.          

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