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Need Help With My Whites Eagle Spectrum


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Hello guys, so I've had my eagle spectrum now for a few months, but I only use the preset modes coin & jewellery also custom 1 present  etc which I haven't changed any settings to, but today I went on my first farm field and using the presets I could not find a single thing only rubbish signals to which I thought some settings needs to be changed, but I am confused on what to change or do so please help me out on what's the best settings to use to be able to have a better find at things, I have started this hobby for 4-5 months and i really enjoy but I haven't found much due to only using parks and grass areas which doesn't do much depth. When with the group today they had simplex + and was finding things everywhere. I'm really stuck as I'm unsure if to sell the spectrum and upgrade to another device.  thanks in advance and help,advice and tips would be much appreciated 

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Hello Josh, welcome aboard.

May be I'm not that help that you need, in lack of using a Eagle Spectrum, but I'll try to do my best.

The manual shows the rejection in C&J is will filter out many good items, as the most other preset programs will do. A good start is the relic program. This will be noisy, but you'll do a lot of digging I think. If you're doing to much junk use the display to decide to dig or not. If the environment allows and the detecttor isn't to noisy, try to rise the DC-Sensitivity.

Good Luck & Happy Hunting

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1 hour ago, locator said:

Hello Josh, welcome aboard.

May be I'm not that help that you need, in lack of using a Eagle Spectrum, but I'll try to do my best.

The manual shows the rejection in C&J is will filter out many good items, as the most other preset programs will do. A good start is the relic program. This will be noisy, but you'll do a lot of digging I think. If you're doing to much junk use the display to decide to dig or not. If the environment allows and the detecttor isn't to noisy, try to rise the DC-Sensitivity.

Good Luck & Happy Hunting

Hello thank you for the reply, so when using the relic program do I just use that program and then when detecting if I don't get much pings I should change the dc sensitivity higher? If that correct? Also will the coins be at the same numbers as the other programs? As I always dig anything 70 or higher? Thank you

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4 minutes ago, Josh said:

Hello thank you for the reply, so when using the relic program do I just use that program and then when detecting if I don't get much pings I should change the dc sensitivity higher? If that correct? Also will the coins be at the same numbers as the other programs? As I always dig anything 70 or higher? Thank you

That's right Josh. The only thing required after changing the sensitivity (AC or DC) is to do the ground balance again.

About the numbers, they are all the same whatever program is used.

I would recommend reading the manual, then reading it again, and then going and practicing.

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29 minutes ago, locator said:

That's right Josh. The only thing required after changing the sensitivity (AC or DC) is to do the ground balance again.

About the numbers, they are all the same whatever program is used.

I would recommend reading the manual, then reading it again, and then going and practicing.

That is perfect thank you very much for your help much appreciated 

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Just take "NOTE" in RUBBISH AREAS depth is not importance but ID is the name of the game. When you get a signal lift your coil till you get a sound that is distinct at a low volume that is not iffy (this will reduce/remove ground effect and allow more accurate reading). Take note of the ID reading and dig the target, doing this will build up a human data base (yours) of the signals that are the ones you want. Hope this helps and don't think the best detector wins it's the best user that does.

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1 hour ago, geof_junk said:

Just take "NOTE" in RUBBISH AREAS depth is not importance but ID is the name of the game. When you get a signal lift your coil till you get a sound that is distinct at a low volume that is not iffy (this will reduce/remove ground effect and allow more accurate reading). Take note of the ID reading and dig the target, doing this will build up a human data base (yours) of the signals that are the ones you want. Hope this helps and don't think the best detector wins it's the best user that does.

Okay perfect thank you very much, I'll give test s retry as I'm always looking ay my screen for numbers, 60-85 thats all I look for as I know it will most likely a coin

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  • 4 months later...

My primary detector has been a White’s Spectrum XLT for over 20 years.  Looking to upgrade but haven’t done so yet.  Not sure how closely the display correlates to the Eagle Spectrum.   I once hunted a site which had been an old store.  The floor had been wood slabs with rope to seal the joints.  The rope was missing in many spots before they tore the store down.  They dumped the trash through a trap door in the floor and let the tide wash it out.  This was nothing but solid nails and junk along with a lot of old bleach bottles and an occasional medicine bottle.  I had to jack my recovery speed up and do short quick sweeps. It was a terrible racket, but whenever I would go over a coin, I would get a high spike on the good side of the screen (along with all the trash smear lines).  I would pinpoint as best as possible by even shorter sweeps, then just start digging until I would get a good signal in my cup (and a pile of nails on the side).  Came up with some old silvers, nickels and pennies that day and learned a lesson about recovery speed.  Wouldn’t want to try that in non-trashy environments however, as I would lose depth.

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