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Manticore Gold

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11 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

Nice gold strick! ?

Ring looks old. Any idea what the stone is? Glad the weather isn't holding you back. I know my wife would want that one.


Thanks 350 there is no stone it's just engraved I think...the inside has a stamp or crude makers mark but I cant make it out as thats where the mower clipped it...thankfully it can be repaired 


11 hours ago, UT Dave said:

The alternative to taking it, would have been to divulge my intentions of selling all the gold and silver from the last year to finance new coils, and stuff...  So I remained dutifully chagrined without giving up my intentions.

- Dave


Dave sometimes it's better not to fight back as you know lol. If she complains that you are detecting too much just say you are now driven to find something nice for her after the dinner conversation the other night ?


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Finding gold in the dirt seems so much harder than in the sand. Well done!

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