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Something That Isn't Discussed Much Regarding The Legend

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Gigmaster has started to exclusively use the Legend for East Coast saltwater beach hunting. He has a couple of Legend beach videos on his Youtube site. More to come.

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11 hours ago, Bill (S. CA) said:

With all that is and has been discussed about The Legend, both good and bad, it is a bit surprising to me that no one seems to mention its performance at saltwater beaches.  Here on the West Coast, outside of mine I have never seen a Legend on our beaches.  All I see now are mainly Deus II's and a few holdover Equinoxes.  A couple of Manticores are starting to show up.

But no Legends.

Here's a news flash for you beach hunters: the Legend is a sleeper.  A MAJOR sleeper.  It will compete with anything currently on the market in terms of depth, sensitivity to small items and stability.  I've run an Equinox since it first came out and the Legend is a match for it.  My buddies with their Deus II's were a bit surprised that I could hit everything they could hit with their machines.

This isn't a sales pitch for Nokta/Makro.  Yes, they had a few missteps with introduction of the Legend.  Yes, they have gone a bit update crazy.  But in its current form, running Version 1.11, it is a serious player if you are a beach hunter. 

One small comment to finish up with.   The grip angle on the Legend is a dream.  It is so nice to be able to hold the grip with my entire hand as opposed to have to "finger float" it because the angle was wrong.


whatta ya talking about? I'm on the west coast and i'm rocking my legend! It's a great device and runs super well on beaches, but I can't compare to any other detectors cause this is my first one! Also the YouTuber monterey magnet man also runs a Legend on beaches. 
In terms of finds, It's been dry lately due to the sanding in, but late January/ early Feb. I was finding stuff left and right. silver rings, silver coins, a ton of clad and even a gold earring and gold baby bracelet (the bracelet was found at a park). By late feb and early march, everything got sanded in though. Last best find at the beach was a 5.9g 14k gold ring along with a silver ring and 1 silver dime.

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3 hours ago, CTidwell said:

This guy does a lot of beach hunts in Cali with his Legend.  Finds a lot of stuff too.  Highly recommend his channel.


I love his channel, I hope to one day meet him out on the field!

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17 hours ago, midalake said:

This guy who hunts in tennis shoes and does not go near the water? I am supposed to listen to him? 😏

A couple things. 
1) The OP wasn't asking for people to listen to for advice or anything else.
2) I didn't say it was someone you should listen to for advice or anything else.
He has an entertaining channel where he does a lot of beach hunting (which WAS the OP issue).  He may not wade out into the water, no, but he does go into wet sand at times.

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