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Iron False �

TJ Jeepguy

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I have used the 11” coil since I got my machine from ore-order however long ago that was. I got pretty used to the sounds and VDI variability of large or flat iron.   I just got the 9” and have been trying it on my heavy iron sites, but noticed  a notable increase in iron falses. Not just in sound but also in solid VDI’s with every setting and mode possible.  To confirm it wasn’t just that day’s ground conditions, I put the 11” back on and went over the same spots.  The 11” also sounded off on the iron,  but didn’t give as pure a VDI or tone as the 9”.  

I have no conclusions, just wanted to give my observations.  🤷‍♂️. I’m also willing to accept the brand of crazy person for this. 😀

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Big flat iron is always a problem, you know this. How was the silencer level? You could increase it. When I hear iron falses I turn coil around the signal and increase silencer..

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I don't usually use silencer, but turning 45-90 degrees to a target and sweeping again will usually help.

In the fields I'll keep bottle caps at 3, on the beach I might bump it to 5. That is another iron bias control.

Running Relic use Disc IAR of 5.

Another thing I do (personal preference) is lower discrimination to 00 and use full tones. This mostly eliminates iron from the higher tone bins.

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I experimented that day with various settings and techniques and the 9” always gave a cleaner false than the 11. It’s just something interesting I noticed and wanted to share. 

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1 hour ago, TJ Jeepguy said:

I experimented that day with various settings and techniques and the 9” always gave a cleaner false than the 11. It’s just something interesting I noticed and wanted to share. 

It's why I end up using the 13x11" more than the 11". The 9" is great for tight spaces and stubble fields, but the 13" whacks more targets in less time. Separation is pretty good on the 13, of course the 9 is better.

I was not too thrilled with the 11" all along, but keep it as a backup.

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1 hour ago, midalake said:

Can you explain this a little more? 

Edit: No need to explain

Just so others know, setting discrimination at 0 (00) makes iron false less because the detector is more likely to select a lower tone in full tones. 🙂

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24 minutes ago, midalake said:

Are Full Tones only available in 1 operating mode? 

I think pretty much all of them. I use them in general and beach, beach defaults to it because of the BH-01 bone phones. Accessible (or not) in the expert mode of discrimination I think.

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5 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

Just so others know, setting discrimination at 0 (00) makes iron false less because the detector is more likely to select a lower tone in full tones. 🙂

I’ll definitely try that. Thanks

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