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Coil Shell Manufacturers?


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Anyone know of any person or company, worldwide that sells coil shells? Thinking about building a smallish CC coil for the Legacy Minelab PI's. I only know of a Bulgarian and Ukrainian seller but neither has coil covers to accompany their shells. The Ukrainian one (Pictured) is only a 9", so the receive coil will be C.5" at best.....so should be sensitive but not great overall depth for larger targets. Any ideas????

9 inch cc.JPG

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1 hour ago, Geotech said:

Try Don Bowers (dfbowers) via the Geotech forums. If you epoxy-pour the coil you really don't need a bottom.

Thanks Carl, I saw Dons original website was non existent and thought he was retired? I thought about expoxy'ing the coil but was worried about the weight...but seeing how I currently can only find small'ish shells (Ive got a couple of Bill Hayes 12" ones lying around), its probably not worth worrying about....I'll give that a try I think ?

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I don't know if Don is still making shells, but he's the only one I know of to try.

Get some microballoons to mix in the epoxy, it will make it much lighter. I bought a bag somewhere, maybe AliExpress.

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2 hours ago, Geotech said:

I don't know if Don is still making shells, but he's the only one I know of to try.

Get some microballoons to mix in the epoxy, it will make it much lighter. I bought a bag somewhere, maybe AliExpress.

Yeah, good idea, air tends to not weigh much lol... I tried that many years ago and I added too much....the epoxy cracked. Steered away from it after that, but I'll give it another try when I play with the CC idea next year. 

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3d printers for polycarbonate and a variety of plastics are quite reasonable now. I purchased one recently for some other projects. It also should not cost much to ask someone to print a few if prototyping for the smaller sized coils you want.

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5 hours ago, Redz said:

3d printers for polycarbonate and a variety of plastics are quite reasonable now. I purchased one recently for some other projects. It also should not cost much to ask someone to print a few if prototyping for the smaller sized coils you want.

Yeah I saw a couple web pages showing 3D Printer CAD files for prototype CC coil shells of the 'right' sizes....well worth thinking about. ?

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