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Here's My 100 Gold Bucket Challenge Gold Results

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Used my new mining tool today......my new E-Bike. Third week of retirement. Thought I would try to stay in shape this year. About 40minute drive to the river. Only did 2 buckets as thunderstorms were rolling in. I managed to only get a sprinkle. Although the California mini fits nicely in the bucket, I felt a little crammed with my battery in my back pack and buckets directly behind me. I did order a small bicycle trailer, so I can also use my Geo highbanker and Le' Trap. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=518dda140f0233a9&rlz=1C1VDKB_enCA1095CA1095&tbm=vid&sxsrf=ADLYWIJOa1_KhYHRfZRSkOXX44t8ZUcCjQ:1718761520863&q=I+want+to+ride+my+bicycle.&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjOgJ7PxeaGAxVIFzQIHYldB2gQ8ccDegQIDBAF&biw=1280&bih=541&dpr=1.5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:58ff77d1,vid:B4-MkHXbLJc,st:0





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Looks like your back on the gold again with some nice results.

Nice addition to the equipment and i hope it serves you well. A good trailer will be nice and I think that you will enjoy it.

Good luck and stay safe out there.

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7 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

Looks like your back on the gold again with some nice results.

Nice addition to the equipment and i hope it serves you well. A good trailer will be nice and I think that you will enjoy it.

Good luck and stay safe out there.

I was kind of fantasizing a motorcycle with a side car. I have never owned a motorcycle. One of my sons does. At this stage of life, 69 I thought an E-bike was a compromise. So far, so good. The trailer should be here  next week so I will have to do a trial run. And my car should be out of the shop today, after  a 10 days wait at the shop. 

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  • The title was changed to 24 Buckets Left To Go To Complete The 100 Gold Bucket Challenge

Very nice cleanup with some nice eye candy to show for the hard work.

How much are you going to save to get down to the very small stuff?

Good luck and stay safe out there.

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John, getting out my sluice box out this weekend for the first time in years, you inspired me to give it a try again, thanks. 

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16 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

Very nice cleanup with some nice eye candy to show for the hard work.

How much are you going to save to get down to the very small stuff?

Good luck and stay safe out there.

No idea how much I will save. I will be glad when my 100 buckets is complete. It's nice to just set up the highbanker to start digging without screening buckets for a run. This filling in my retirement time with gold prospecting is really rewarding. There's something in my DNA that seeks the constant contact with the outdoors all year round. My daughter also has it. She spends a lot of her spare time hiking along creeks, woods etc. I just never really enjoyed a lot of social events. They seem to often drain my energy. I recharge by getting outside in the fresh air without a lot of people.

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8 hours ago, MSC said:

John, getting out my sluice box out this weekend for the first time in years, you inspired me to give it a try again, thanks. 

Thanks! That's a compliment. And you should get out. Good appetite, good sleep, good mood and getting paid in gold to get in shape. You just can't beat that scenario.

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