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Any Help About Br Metal Detector

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My advice is stick to well known proven devices. These would be devices where simple Google searches show many independent users around the world getting good results. For instance, this forum alone features users from around the world making impressive finds with devices made by well known metal detector manufacturers. You can find others, and it does not take long to figure out what machines are being used successfully around the world.

The metal detecting world is full of scammers making impressive devices with even more impressive claims. They prey on peoples desires to have something current technology cannot deliver.

Any company that makes a device, as this company does, that claims the following, should - in my opinion - be avoided.

"This device is characterized by the ability to detect targets gold and treasures buried beneath the surface of the Earth up to 500 meters in front of me and a depth of up to 5 meters in the ground."

Companies that make extreme claims need to provide extreme proof of those claims.

In general when you see the words "long range" and see devices with common radio antenna sticking out of them, buyer beware.

Geotech Long Range Locator page

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The difference with dowsing is anyone can make their own dowsing device for little or no money. Dressing dowsing devices up as scientifically based electronic devices and marketing them as such for a great deal of money is another thing entirely. I don't really have a problem with people who sell dowsing devices as long as they are clearly sold as such. The buyers can then decide for themselves whether they believe in dowsing or not. I do however take issue with people using cleverly worded marketing to sell dowsing devices to people who think they are getting something else.

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Guest Tnsharpshooter

Bottom line,,,I don't think you'll find a secret weapon "detector" that is pure,,,that someone posting on different forums,,don't know about.

Someone is always trying to slip one of these " secret weapons" in on folks.

If it sounds too good to be true,,,it probably ain't!!

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On 2/21/2017 at 10:10 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

My advice is stick to well known proven devices. These would be devices where simple Google searches show many independent users around the world getting good results. For instance, this forum alone features users from around the world making impressive finds with devices made by well known metal detector manufacturers. You can find others, and it does not take long to figure out what machines are being used successfully around the world.

The metal detecting world is full of scammers making impressive devices with even more impressive claims. They prey on peoples desires to have something current technology cannot deliver.

Any company that makes a device, as this company does, that claims the following, should - in my opinion - be avoided.

"This device is characterized by the ability to detect targets gold and treasures buried beneath the surface of the Earth up to 500 meters in front of me and a depth of up to 5 meters in the ground."

Companies that make extreme claims need to provide extreme proof of those claims.

In general when you see the words "long range" and see devices with common radio antenna sticking out of them, buyer beware.

Geotech Long Range Locator page

Good day, Steve Herschbach

Thanks to you

We try to contact them we mail them but they dont give us any proof because they dont have . It sounds good when they claim their detector detect targets upto 5 or 6 meters but when we buy it . It doesnt work 

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I assume you are talking about AKA Metal Detectors, a Russian made brand that seems to make some good detectors. There is a good thread on the subject on the Dankowski forum. The lack of a U.S. dealer and service center means they are relatively unheard of here, but they do have a following in Europe.

Try as you may you will find that genuine reputable proven metal detectors are based on well known induction balance and pulse induction technology. This technology has inherent limits no matter who makes it.

From http://www.talkingelectronics.com/projects/200TrCcts/MetalDetectors/MetalDetectors-1.html  “the sensitivity is roughly proportional to the cube of the object diameter (as expressed as a function of the search coil diameter). Sensitivity is also inversely proportional to the sixth power of the distance between the coil and the object. All this means is that if the object size is halved the sensitivity is reduced to one-eighth. Also, if the depth is doubled the sensitivity is reduced to one sixty-fourth. It’s easy to see why all metal detectors which are designed to pick up small objects use small coils, (150 to 300 mm diameter) and really only skim the soil surface. If the search coil is doubled in diameter for greater penetration the sensitivity to small objects falls to one-eighth. You rapidly encounter the law of diminishing returns.”

Famed metal detector engineer Dave Johnson reiterates this in a different way:
 http://www.fisherlab.com/hobby/davejohnson/davejohnsonjohngardinerinterview.htm  “Getting extra depth out of a VLF, multifrequency, or PI machine is very difficult, because these machines follow an inverse 6th power law relationship between signal voltage and depth. If everything else is maintained equal, doubling the depth requires 64 times as much signal. If this is done by increasing transmitter power, doubling depth requires 4,096 times as much battery drain. That’s the basic reason why depth increases come so slowly in this industry.”

Air tests show the theoretical limits of metal detectors with no ground interference. Most targets in the ground can only be found at much less than air test depths due to this ground interference. The focus of engineers is on removing ground effects and the effects of undesired nearby trash targets. However, maximum attainable depth as shown by air tests continues to be limited for the reasons stated above. Buying anything that promises to vastly exceed these limitations is a serious gamble with your money, one you will likely lose.

For all intents and purposes I consider most metal detectors to be somewhat interchangeable. Everyone has their favorites, but it is obvious to anyone that looks that people who are successful are not reliant on a particular detector for success. I have been successfully metal detecting for decades. The models come and go and are not really that important. What is important is my research, putting myself in good locations, and getting out often and working hard. A metal detector is just a tool we use, and it is useless without a good operator that focuses on the processes that lead to actual success.

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Thanks for posting that Steve.  Even though I kind of new we were near the limits of VLF, that gave me a whole new perspective and understanding of it..  The part about removing ground affects is where the Minelab FBS detectors have succeeded in moving in front of the pack for coin hunting.. They are not necessarily deeper than any other brand detector but their technology allows better ID at depth over others in bad ground. You see the same thing in their gold detector line as well.  I'm hoping they have a little of that ground penetrating magic in their new Monster Gold detector. Minelab seems to be in the forefront of "removing ground affects"



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