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"The proper threshold on hot ground, any ground type for that matter, is a nice and high full sound, stable and rock solid threshold that cannot be wavered on that ground type.. Allowing the highest sensitivity they can muster. 
Causing lovely repeatable dropouts in the threshold on deep signals on heavy ground."

Hello All.

I have an old Minelab GT16000, and in the process of searching for Coils, came across a post(above) by "argyle" that suggested a completely different Threshold setup for some of the early VLF detectors including mine.

Just wondering if anyone has used this procedure, as it is different to the manufacturer's instruction?


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  • 8 months later...

I'm sorry nobody replied.... I try to make sure that never happens, but some how this got past me.

Probably because there is not much info here to go by. argyle seems to be advocating for a louder threshold sound. Most people run it faint. Not really anything different here other than an opinion on the volume of the threshold level. I run mine as faint as I can set it and still hear it. Turning it up higher tends to add a smoothing effect. That might or might not be beneficial depending on the ground. Long story short the question is a little vague so there is not much to say.


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