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Whites 7.5″x12″ TDI High Q Dual Field Coil Available Separately

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This coil is being advertised at quite a few dealers now for $179.95. Which is great, available now for existing TDI owners. I had to chuckle though. They all are advertising it as “Whites 7.5″ x 12″ TDI HI-Q Dual Field Coil for MX Series Metal Detector

Makes me wonder sometimes if I am the only one that notices stuff like this.


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31 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Makes me wonder sometimes if I am the only one that notices stuff like this.

Nope...LOL I noticed it weeks ago, and almost contacted the seller to tell them, and then I decided you can't fix stupid, and let it go...LOL


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Hey Guys,  That's what I got with the TDI SL. 

Seems like the hot spot is dead center, under the shaft.  Not under the sticker. 

Let you know how it performs.  Seems about as sensitive as the 7.5" Round DF.

Take care.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Steve I've just purchased a tdi with the high q coil and it came with the 7.5 field coil which I think is just a duel coil anyway have only been practising with it and I'm finding the smaller coil seems just as good the fact that the duel coil u can use as a pinpointer as well as the high q only picks up in the centre just a thought I'm new to detectors and going out for a few days soon I feel I should get used to the duel small coil to get the hang of it of course will put the high q and have a go as well but watching YouTube videos of ppl trickling the soil on the coil to pick out the gold would be hard using the high q also thinking of getting the 12 inch duel coil for maybe more depth any thoughts you might have appreciated 

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I wouldn't bother buying the 12DF. You should be covered for depth by the Hi-Q, and the 12DF is a beast to swing for very long, IMHO.


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The 7.5” x 12” Hi-Q is a dual field coil with a fancy new name. A large outer coil with a small inner coil. If you use a small test nugget only the small inner coil is reacting. The larger outer coil adds more depth for larger targets.


The 12” round dual field will act the same way. Only the inner coil will respond to small targets, the larger outer coil the larger targets. As a round coil it has a larger total area than the Hi-Q elliptical so will get just a little more depth on large items, but not much, maybe 10%. All my old TDI detectors came with the 12” round and I did not think it was a problem swinging one all day. But overall I don’t think you will see much difference between it and what you have, unless that possible extra inch on large stuff is really important to you.

Some TDI Finds

1.93 oz gold nugget found by Steve Herschbach with White's TDI

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Thx Steve for your input Im new to detectors and tried the high q again and yes I must of been trying to small of a piece to detect on the outer coil so I think I have all the settings right because I'm going out for a few days to give it a swing since I will mainly be searching in high mineralised ground should I invest in a mono coil I have heard most minelab coiltech coils fit even the whites 7.5 mono aussie addition coil any thoughts on that appreciated also was thinking of the 9 inch coiltech elite coil not to big or the 11 inch coiltech there expensive so would need to know they work on my machine but I guess I probably should see how I go once have had a go with what I have just wanting the best coil for depth for my tdi sl I bought the orange battery pack for the 18650s and have found some good batteries not Chinese that put out around 13 14 volts when fully charged so I'm not going to do any battery mod don't want to void my warranty thx again for your expertise put in a few pics of my homemade skid plate made from a plant pot and some covers to protect it from the elements  cheers 




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Well, all I can say is that if I got another TDI I would have to get a mono coil to go with it. Either the Sadie or White’s Aussie 7.5” in my case.

99% of all SD, GP, and GPX compatible coils will run on the TDI



Whether they run well or not is another story. The only ones I’m willing to vouch for are White’s made coils for the TDI. Everything else a person is on their own. The links have the details.

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