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I should add this however. Metal detectors from my perspective do not cost me anything. I have a pool of money that sits in a half dozen detectors and rotates. I don't add money to the pool.

I cheat in two ways. First, I still am connected to my old dealership. I can get any detector at dealer cost plus about 10% to cover handling. I can usually sell before the warranty expire for what I have into the detectors or even add a little to the pool. Sometimes not, but it evens out and is kind of a break-even thing. Anyway, special connections, go ahead and hate me! :laugh:

The other thing I do anyone can do. Be a smart buyer of used stuff. Most new detectors now have transferable warranties. And many people get into this game, hardly use a detector before deciding digging trash is not fun, and sell practically new with remaining warranty. Happens with every new detector if you can just muster a little patience. You buy it right, you can sell again just before the warranty expires for what you have into it or very close.

On older gear just be smart. I use the eBay sold listings to see what things sell for used. I was shopping for a DFX recently. Lots of people are paying $400 -$500 for them, but lots go for as low as $250. Set your price and be patient! Do not get in bidding wars. Some machines get a lot of interest, some go practically unseen for some reason. Do not be in a hurry, and be willing to let machines go until you can get one for a price you can also sell for, or very close to it.

I got a very clean DFX for $250 and I can sell it next year or the year after and no doubt get $250 or more. Some old models even appreciate.

You can play this game and try many detectors and if you do it right just have a sum invested that changes very little. Some really savvy people can even make money on buying and selling used stuff. I'm not that patient, I just try and be in the ballpark.

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13 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I always have about six detectors more or less. I get new models from time to time, and not always the latest. 


There are always a few that sit around unused for awhile. When that happens long enough I sell them. I call it Darwin’s Theory of Detector Ownership.


Speaking of which, did you get the Bounty Hunter Time Ranger Pro yet?  If not are you still planning on it?


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Look in my sidebar. It was an impulse acquisition, still sitting new. I got really busy recently. Pretty little thing, I like it, especially with that little NEL coil attached.

6 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

Speaking of which, did you get the Bounty Hunter Time Ranger Pro yet?  If not are you still planning on it?



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Steve, I need to report a problem with your website.  That post I made asking about your planned BH TRP purchase that you just linked to -- I made that two months ago.  The timestamp says "5 minutes ago".  Either that or one of us has discovered time travel.

I do look foward (backward??? ?) to your review.  Reminds me, Chase inspired me to do some test garden testing of the Gold Bug Pro coils which I started but need to repeat.  I guess today's the day for that.  More later.


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Well I guess I got called out on this.....HaHa. No fake name just kind of a private person. Can I get some Opinions?

Greetings, I'm really new to your site and love it!. Not so new to prospecting prospecting. I have a 7000, 5000, NOx 800 and a ctx 3030. I mainly nugget hunt in so cal deserts and use my 7000 90% of the time. I bought the CTX for a trip  up north to do some river hunting, I even took my SCUBA equipment, but when I got there the water was to fast and couldn't do what I wanted. So I took it to the beach a couple of times since then and it was just ho hum.  I have some patches in the desert that are trashy and from reading posts on your site it looks like the equinox 800 did really well in trashy areas. Since it was relatively inexpensive I bought one. Some posts said that there was you or Detectors coming out next year and the CTX was a little bit long in the tooth and may be replaced. So I thought I might sell my CTX and keep the equinox. I love hanging on stuff I really don't like selling it but I don't want to have an out dated Detector either. Now I have a dilemma should I sell my ctx 3030? You seem like a Very nice knowledgeable guy and would like your opinion.


Don P

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