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A Few Notes On The Nokta / Makro Simplex +

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A Few Notes on the Nokta / Makro Simplex

I originally thought that the Notka / Makro Simplex + would be a good lightweight backup to take cycling or in my pack along the beach. It’s turned out to be a lot more. The Simplex is now my go-to park machine. I say this because if it’s excellent trash rejection and overall accuracy. This is a detector with very sophisticated electronics. When I take the Simplex + in at trash infested areas--I can tell by the audio what’s under the coil. Coins or other round targets give clean sharp sounds. Other misshapen and inconsistent objects like “can slaw” or twisted wire give broken tones and scattered meter readings.

The meter itself is also very accurate--after several months I’m able to pick out clad quarters and our one and two dollar coins with ease. Targets that read “way up” on the scale--in the high 90’s tend to be iron. I can also hear the “width” of signal well--steering me off the big iron and other large junk. I can also tell a dime--by the size. This is hands down the best beginner machine I’ve used. Last week I dug a clad dime at over 10 inches. While this is not that deep by some standards--just how good of a signal it gave was a shock to me.

Even if it was not waterproof, the Simplex would be a great value--but it is fully submersible with a set of optional underwater phones. Its always been my experience that you are much more likely to make big finds in the water--even at the very edge.

I also like the quick, practical interface. I usually search in the new Park 2 Tone ID mode. This alerts me to coin-range targets “loud and clear.” From there I can check questionable targets in the high bias (greater iron rejection) “Field” mode with one press--or All Metal mode with two presses. These two quick tests--along with using the “cross-sweep” and pinpoint mode give a ton of target information. This is just a really well laid-out, well thought-out machine that will satisfy hunters at all levels. It also has a lot of nice small touches--built-in flash light, backlit controls and display, wireless audio, and a feature that lets you hear as much or as little iron as you want. While there aren't’ many great silver or relic sites near here, I’ve increased my clad coin find count a lot using this machine. Moreover---it’s a pleasure to use and I enjoy listening to how accurately it processes whats under the coil and brings up the best signal from among the junk. I’m still learning and need to get more familiarity with some of the middle ranges. I do know that the high 20’s are a good gold range.

Another huge feature of the Simplex + is that the wireless phones can be paired with a Notka / Makro pinpointer so that as soon as you switch on to locate a target--the detector sound turns off and you get this big, clean headphone tone to locate your target with. This is something I’ve always loved about the Anfibio--great to see the same feature in an even more affordable detector.

I take this machine to a park that has seen 40 years worth of detectors and never fail to come out with a surprising haul. The Simplex + has brought new life to every “worked out” site in my area with it’s accuracy and sharp performance. This detector has let me return to “hunting local”--and make good use to the limited time I have.

I have been recommending this detector to anyone who asks about a good unit to learn their basics with. At the same time--this is a great performing machine for intermediate hunters--or a reliable backup for those at the top levels of the hobby.

Just wish the entry level detectors were like this when I started!

Good Luck Detecting!

Clive James Clynick

Toronto, Canada


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3 hours ago, cjc said:

I also like the quick, practical interface. I usually search in the new Park 2 Tone ID mode.

Clive, thanks for the writeup. I have not had much chance to use my Simplex much outside of my test garden.  One thing I noticed there is that AM mode seemed to significantly lack depth and definition on target audio, while the same targets ring out great on Field, Park 1, and Beach modes.  Have you noticed that?  I actually find the "fast but shallow" Park 2 mode (which used to be the "old" Park mode pror to the last update) to be almost as bad as AM.  The "new" Park 1 mode is pretty deep although with a slower recovery speed vs, Park 2.  BTW in the above quote, did you really mean to say the "new Park 1"...mode as Park 2 is just the old Park mode from the original firmware.

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Got it thanks for the correction. Kind of why I call it 3 tone--it showed up second anyhow lol.  Never been thrilled with the AM on the Anfibio either kind of flat for a machine with that kind of punch.  AM is supposed to be you "bread and butter".


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