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Gold Kruzer Target ID Numbers?

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So sounds like the Gold Kruzer has a normalized id system? I thought it would put aluminum up higher than nickels or gold.

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12 minutes ago, kac said:

So sounds like the Gold Kruzer has a normalized id system? I thought it would put aluminum up higher than nickels or gold.

Were you asking about target IDs for the Simplex or the Gold Kruzer? I assumed you were asking about the Simplex since it is the main subject of this topic.

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On my Gold Kruzer:

Nickel 60

Zinc Penny 81

Clad Dime 85

Clad Quarter 87

So yes, more or less normalized to the 14 kHz numbers used on earlier Makro units.

Nokta FORS & Makro Racer VDI Chart

0 - 5 Hot Rocks
5 -25 Mineralized Ground
25 - 35 Salty and Alkali Soils
10 - 40 Ferrous Targets (Iron, nails)
40 - 50 Foil, Small Gold
56 - 58 US Nickel
82 - 83 Zinc Penny
84 - 86 US Dime
88 - 92 US Quarter
95 - 99 Hot Rocks


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44 minutes ago, kac said:

Was asking on the GK, Simplex should have same numbers as the 14khz Kruzer.

Gold Kruzer's iron range is roughly 0 to 40 as opposed to the Simplex/Multi Kruzer 0 to 15. I don't know anything about ID normalization on the Gold Kruzer since it only operates at one frequency=61kHz

I see that Steve and I were answering at the same time. Interestingly, square and rounded modern pull tabs are just above nickels on my Gold Kruzer.

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The extended iron range interests me, something I liked about the AT Pro. Do either of you have the Gold Racer?

How does it handle high iron areas? Also EMI is a big issue in areas here and thinking the 56khz would fair better due to harmonics with the transformers here. I assume I will lose quite a bit of depth when compared to the lower frequency machines but plan to use it for jewelry and coin shooting in parks.

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The Gold Racer is 0 to 40 in all metal and 0 to 40 with an adjustable iron tone break in Disc 1 and Disc 2. All metal is 1 tone and the discrimination modes are 2 tones. Personally, I like the 3 tone Micro mode better on the Gold Kruzer for coin and jewelry hunting and I like the built in rechargeable batteries, wireless operation and the waterproofing on the Gold Kruzer too. I have not had much issue with EMI on the Gold Racer or Gold Kruzer. If you want a bulletproof EMI detector that can also do some very good coin shooting and micro jewelry hunting I would also consider the 19kHz  F19/G2+/Time Ranger Pro from First Texas. I know you have the Multi Kruzer but it IS plagued by EMI at least in my area. Those 19 kHz FTP detectors are totally silent even maxed out in disc mode and you can set the iron tone break and iron volume level where ever you want.


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