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Medieval Sword In Poland

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Wonder how much good stuff I skipped because it sounded like big iron :0

Wasn't it last year or year before someone in Poland ended up in jail and they took his ace away for detecting? Their rules are undefined on what you can detect so guessing these guys somehow got permission.

Thanks for sharing.

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19 hours ago, kac said:

Wasn't it last year or year before someone in Poland ended up in jail and they took his ace away for detecting? Their rules are undefined on what you can detect so guessing these guys somehow got permission.


I've read lots of show & tell posts, coming from Poland.  So it's can't be illegal there.  As in ... some sort of "border to border" law.  So whatever you're alluding to must be someone who was in a distinct singular off-limits place.   Not that "all md'ing in Poland is a no-no"


There's been attempts made (you can find them on the net) to create compendiums for all the countries of Europe.  Where you can simply look up any country there in Alphabetic order.  Genius idea, eh ?   But oddly, even those countries with "dire sounding verbiage", have hobbyists.  Even dealers in the major cities, etc....  Being the devil's advocate, I asked one of the guys, from one of those countries with "dire sounding language", :  "How do  you do it ?"  And I linked him to the web-link.


He said that what those links/lists don't take into account, is that whatever laws they're citing are for public land.  And have no bearing on private land.  So farmer Bob can do WHATEVER THE HECK HE WANTS on his own land.   Or .... quite frankly, ... the guy told me that they're typically so-far back in the forests, that .... well .... there's no one around to care, in the first place.  ?


An example would be like this :  If you were to call some USA bureaucrats and archies here, and ask "Is it ok to metal detect in the USA ? ", you might get told "no".   Because perhaps they're couching their answer in terms of ARPA (which, BTW, only applies to fed land. Not "all public land").   So you might, in fact, find someone here who thinks all md'ing in the USA is a no-no.   See ?  It just depends on who you ask, what they envision, and how you phrase the question. 


Thus I put little stock into these compendiums.  Sometimes you have to read between the lines.   And the rare flukes of someone getting roughed up, can be isolated flukes of someone who wasn't practicing an ounce of common sense.

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