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XP Deus 2 Bottle Cap Reject Part #1


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This is really amazing to me, I’ve never seen a bottle cap reject work so well, and this is NOT w the latest update!

Big thanks to the Diggin Dude!

Got mine on order….




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Those are non buried targets...and a newer bottle cap. The Equinox will do the the same thing...disks them right out in the air.. I just hunted a trashy beach this morning with a lot of black sand (Sacramento river fed by the Sierras) and although the bottle cap rejection works to some extent on the deus2 it is far from perfect...the really corroded ones come in loud and clear with reject set at 5. As like many others we are still in the learning phase with this machine...its not the holy grail thats for sure. 


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I have always wondered if in saltwater research a too high rejection in the settings could cause you to lose small deep gold jewels

if not, why put a progressive number in the settings?

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Interesting, so far I’ve been testing the D2 in a very trashy park littered with bottle caps on the surface and below and I have been pulling coins out I have not dug up one even rusty bottle cap which I know are there. Of course I will no speak to black sand beach or salt water beach.  I haven’t hunted an area like that yet. But I hunt a brackish river near me and D2 is ignoring the bottle caps rather well….. only the beer type rusted or not.  Somebody needs to invent technology that can tell the difference between gold rings and pull tabs then I’d be a happy man LOL 


Trashy park from the other day 

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Nice hunt...I remember doing the same thing with my nox..tested it out in the yard with F2 till it totally blanked out on the bottle caps...take it to this trashy beach and I'm still digging caps yes only beer caps...The caps I were digging yesterday were very corroded it was ignoring the newer ones fairly well...still learning the deus was in beach sens and I do like to run my disk lower which may be why....I'm liking IAR in relic mode and need to try that out in the field. 


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Please keep me posted on what you discover on saltwater beaches I won’t be able to get to one to probably in July. When I had the Nox I didn’t use the F2 to the degree to knockout bottle caps all the way so my experience is limited. My friend loves his equinox has two machines, 2nd he bought from me, I only sold because the flute like Minelab tones don’t work well with my hearing loss.   Deus screams… dig me!! And I can hear it LOL      D2 is definitely an improvement over the Deus 1.  The D1 was a bottle cap hound,  So I’ve been enjoying this D2 with the bottle cap rejection in trashy parks but I tend to mostly hunt with open programs with very little to no discrimination unless it’s a trashy park.   HH


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One more thing did you update yours with the 0.7 update?  XP improved relic and gold field mode with a notch feature that eliminated 0.0 falseing with a high tone.  Also notch feature can be used now like in other programs. 

Check out Gary’s video if you haven’t already



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 I have not done the update yet when I get some time I will watch the videos on bottlecap rejection more closely and what his settings were. I just tested the equinox and the Deus 2 and they both act about the same on the bottle caps on air tests. Both maxed out on bottle cap rejection. Went for a hunt this morning at an old World War II site and the Deus 2 very impressive with deep HC running square tones...


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I haven't done the update either, got advice to wait. No problem with bottle cap reject at a salt beach this morning, turned it on in Beach mode after finding my first bottle cap. At a setting of 3 it broke 'em up nicely. Didn't need to push it farther. Had the opportunity to test that with 3 caps on top of the sand. ?

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