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One Detector For All Things

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Ok, we know there is no perfect detector for all types of detecting (Prospecting, Relic, Beach and Coin).  But what is the closest thing to it that is available?  The CTX3030,  a great machine from most accounts really good at 3 of the 4 types of detecting but many say not as good for Prospecting.  Then we have all the BBS, FBS detectors great as well for the same 3 types of detecting.  Then the many Other single frequency detectors, many good for Coin and Relic and some span on into gold detecting as well.  Of course the PI detectors which have poor if any discrimination value but are really deep seeking but not so good if you are working a trashy areas.  

So what would be the best detector out there if you want something that spans all 4 of the primary modes of detecting?  In my search I can only find one so far that I think fits that requirement pretty well:

That would be the Whites Spectra V3i.  That's only my amateur opinion as I have a limited knowledge of metal detecting.  Are there better Multifrequency detectors out there probably, are there better gold detectors out there - For sure, and are there better coin and relic detectors out there, probably but not that many as this is probably the detectors strongest area.  

There are several things I like about this detector as it has 3 frequencies and you can run all 3 at the same time or individually.  It can use all the MXT coils which are many so no worry about coil selection.  It appears to have a better than average discrimination.  It allows for an abundance of control of the machine.  In multifrequency one can go pretty deep in wet salt sand, or running it at 20 khz one can prospect or hunt for smaller types of relics.  Want to go deep for coins or lager targets switch to 2.5 Khz and put on a big coil.  It also has preprogrammed modes as well if you want to keep it simple.  I just recently became aware of this machine and in many ways it has the properties of what most would want in a all purpose detector.  If a new company came to me today and said they would build me the Ideal detector and asked me what characteristics I would like to have built into it, this detector would fill most of my request.  Only other thing I would want is one more Frequency (50Khz or so) and be water proof! 

Ok now this is where I would like you all to chime in because I know there must be weakness to this machine as well or it would be far more popular than it is.  I have heard issues with EMI. I don't know what other issues there may be, maybe it don't ground balance well in real mineralized soil?  I don't know but I'm sure some of you do.  Please give me your thoughts?

Thanks in advance,



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The V3i is a good machine for sure but it does not quite have the edge when it come to the type of ground you come across where Gold is found mainly due to the Tracking and sensitivity to small Gold, Machines like CTX and the V3i were never made for prospecting but they have a mild version of prospecting mode for those who wish have a go once in a while, but for prospecting you are paying for a lot of stuff you don't need and they are fairly limited under those conditions.

All a good Gold getting VLF needs is a good manual/auto GB system and enough Gain to see tiny object and some form of ID system with a fast recovery, Even machines like the MXT are bordering on having too much built in for prospecting But for all other types of detecting they only just have enough and when you work out the cost of the CTX or the V3i you could buy the Fors Relic and the Makro Gold or a GMT and an MXT AP or the Gold Bug II and an F75 and still have change to pay for the trip,, High ferluting machines are all very nice and look the Dogs Doo Dads on paper but take them out in the bush and you are putting some serious limits on your self, In towns and parks they excel and fields and some homesteads and on the beach,

When I buy any machine the first thing on the check list is it has to have a True Gold capability and a proven one at that Which Is why I have the MXT,GMT and TDI, If I was back home in OZ then that would also include either a 4500 / 5000, Due to current Improvements and Vision there with the flare of a company like Nokta / Makro then my choices would  most likely be the Fors Relic and the Gold Racer with either the 4500 or the 5000, I would not buy a high end machine that only does some things well and restrict my self like that when I could buy one of the three options above and have 2 machine that can do all, I want my machines to be as Wild as my imagination without limits unless those limits are the ones I put in place, Which is as it should be because after all I am paying for the things So I get to make the Rules,

Hope this helps,,, John  

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Thanks John, this just the kind of info I'm looking for.  Much appreciated. 


As to a gold machine I do have a GPX 5000 so part of my gold needs are covered already.  

I like your suggested detectors for gold for sure but not sure any cover the beach detecting, UNLESS, I can maybe put a large coil on say a MXT or a Racer 2 and get near the depth of a Multifrequency machine at my local beaches in NC.  I understand they are not particularly mineralized but are certainly salt water.  So maybe that would work but not sure?  Wish I could rent one and run down to the beach as I certainly would.    

My need for a second machine needs to work for the beach and if used for prospecting needs to allow me to not have to dig a lot of trash.  My need for a beach machine kinda complicates the issue.  I had a thought to get older used Quattro for the beach but some I trust suggested a Safari or Etrac would work much better but also more dollars. So instead of a Minelab I thought maybe the V3I might be a usable substitute and save me money by not having to buy a 3rd detector though it would not be the perfect gold detector.

I guess I could follow GLGuin's lead and get me a Gold detector that can also handle mild salt beaches and look for the little gold items that are missed by the other machines.  Don't know what kind of depth I would get but if I had a gold machine already but I would give it a whirl. 

Like I said I don't see the V3I as a great gold machine but I couldn't see in my mind anything better for the money without having to buy that 3rd machine.  



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I know nothing at all about nugget hunting, but I have owned a V3i and did not like it. I cannot say why exactly, it just did not perform well for me. The points Auminesweeper bring up about it are valid I think, and for the money it costs you could have a Makro Gold Racer and change. The CTX beats the pants off it for what I do, and should for the money, and some will argue the point too even about that, but I would not want to go prospecting with one. Just my two cents. 


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No one detector does everything perfectly so you have to divide your detecting up into types and probable time spent. Go with what works best most of the time and compromise in the minor areas.

The CTX being waterproof has the obvious edge over the V3i for beach detecting. The V3i in single frequency 22.5 kHz mode may have an edge in gold detection, but the ground balance system is acknowledged even by White's as not being as efficient as the MXT GMT circuit. For whatever reason I have seen far more posts of gold nuggets found with a CTX than with a V3i. You can chalk that up to more people using the CTX to look for gold nuggets but whatever the reason I lean in favor of proof versus speculation.

MXT would do as well or better than either gold prospecting for less money.

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And best of all you could get a MXT and a Makro Gold Racer for pretty close to what a V3i would cost. Then you would have backup to your backup.

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Terry you got a 5k so that tells me you love the yellow metal, and that is a huge investment So next I would be looking at a machine that can find the Gold that the 5k can't see, I am not saying buy a GMT or an MXT But just as an example do you want to find the Tiny Gold=GMT or do you want to find the Gold jewellery in parks and beaches=MXT Brand is not important,,, But to make the journey seemless from Nuggets to specks that is the sort of setup you need.

Steve has the GPZ and the Racer 2 and the Gold Racer, I have  the GMT then the MXT AP and them the TDI SL,, So regardless of the Brands we all tend to build a complete spectrum with our machine from fine Gold to HD bad ground machines and then we tend to worry about beach machines as an added extra, Others may put their beach machine top of the list, But seeing as you have a 5k it's not hard to guess whats on your mind, lol

I hope this helps mate, because it is very easy to get side tracked But what I would say is grab your choice of low frequency machines next whether it is the Relic, F75 you name it what ever because then you have a lot of bases covered from small Gold and Jewellery, Coins etc and your Beach work then that leves the Fine Gold machine to get when you find one you like.


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Thanks SLGuin,

If you can handle a CTX and didn't like the V3I I think that say's a lot and I don't say that in a negative way.  I think I will scratch the V3I off my maybe to buy list.

 I see Steve posted too.  Now that's a definite no for the V3I.


Appreciate it Steve!  

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6 minutes ago, SLGuin said:

And best of all you could get a MXT and a Makro Gold Racer for pretty close to what a V3i would cost. Then you would have backup to your backup.

Don't tempt me!  Smile

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Because I had owned a Sovereign GT and a Quatro and the E-trac I was a bit Anti the CTX but after a few folks here educated me I think that the CTX has a lot of virtues that do get over looked and put the 15" WOT coil on one and you are getting close to PI territory on the beach, I don't know about junk filled farm land, But I know some folks here have got a few bits of Gold with them but as Steve said the tracking system might be a weak point but it is a real fine machine, But the V3i is a Guts on Batteries, there is only one worse machine and that is the TDI SL,  But is all fun aye and it's only money so just get out there and have fun.


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