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New Legend Coils And Update


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On 12/17/2022 at 1:42 AM, Digalicious said:

M1 includes 15 khz. The new SMF will be 4 khz and 10 khz, but weighted toward 4 khz. It's getting the frequency below around 10 khz that allows the much better coin ID's on many coins that are masked by nonferrous trash.

Is there a difference in wheighting between the Park and Field mode for the multi-frequency? I would like to know if for example M1 performs the same way in Park and in Field mode.

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Park separates better than Field. So Park must be optimized to higher frequencies.

M2 separates better than M1 so it must be optimized to higher frequencies.

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27 minutes ago, Rick N. MI said:

Park separates better than Field. 


Hi Rick.

Why do you think Park separates better than Field? More specifically, separation ability is mainly a factor of the recovery speed, and the default recovery speed is the same in Park as it is in Field.

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Using this test. I was using Iron Filter 1, Stability 4, Pitch, Recovery 3 and Tone Break or Disc at 8 for 6" coil and 9 for 11" coil. When the legend came out, it was said M1 best on high conductors and M2 was best on low conductors. I don't know how they are set up.

With the settings I used, Park & M2 has the best separation. The Legend would hit the coin all around with the 6" coil and 11" coil. Id swept parallel over the nails was 11. Turn 90 degrees was 35.



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I did some "air tests" this afternoon (I know, they're only air tests) and found out a few things that I misunderstood. The tests were done in my kitchen.

  1.  M1 and M2 are quite similar in performance but I think that M1 goes a little bit deeper (only a cm or two, nothing more).
  2. The depth performance for Park and Field are similar but I noticed that Park was more stable. 
  3. Single frequencies are less performant, especially the higher ones. I had the feeling that with all single fequencies, there was something that was missed or less easily detected.
  4. Reactivity matters a lot in the depth of the detector. There was +/- 10cm difference between 1 and 10 where 1 was the deepest. I got the best result with 4 so that's where I set my reactivity now. But keep in mind that the places where I search are relatively clean.
  5. Audio gain & tonal settings are not to be underestimated. Ok, they do not affect the depth in any way but think of it as the sonar of a submarine : the deep targets sound a lot quiter with a lower audio gain which means that you can miss them (certainly if you work by ear like me). Same goes for the volume of each tone, if the volume is too low, you run the risk of missing it.
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2 hours ago, Digalicious said:

If I remember correctly, there is no difference in the frequency weighting between Park and Field. I wouldn't expect there to be a difference, but I'm going to try and find out for certain.


Please let us know what you find out. I expect the weighting of the frequency to stay constant but the Filtering should be different between Modes.(Park Field) & also Beach Goldfield.

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16 minutes ago, HerrUU said:



  1. Reactivity matters a lot in the depth of the detector. There was +/- 10cm difference between 1 and 10 where 1 was the deepest. I got the best result with 4 so that's where I set my reactivity now. But keep in mind that the places where I search are relatively clean.

Wow. 4 inches? 

I could have sworn that when I tested that, the difference was only about 1". Then again maybe I'm not remembering correctly. Your post has definitely spurred me to test that again.

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