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My Thoughts On The Minelab Manticore After 50 Hours And Beyond!

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24 minutes ago, Redneck said:

Thanks RH.   I love your vids!  I really appreciate you showing the 2d screen and explaining whats probably going on there.

I'm more visual, so Im getting a Manticore.  


Thank you sir. Good luck with the Manticore!

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Checked the weather this morning and saw that I had a little over an hour before the rain moved in, so I headed back down to the old ball field for a quick hunt. Didn’t get anything spectacular, but I did score silver #13 FTY, a ‘51 rosie. 

Anyway, I noticed a couple of things today. Unlike my other detectors, the noise cancel on the Manticore seems to actually work. I started getting some bad EMI on the far end of the field, so I held down the noise cancel soft key until it settled on a number. Released the button and it was dead quiet. Nice. Hope it works that well at other locations.

Also, on one of the deeper signals (penny at 9”), I lowered the sensitivity down one digit at a time to see how low I could go and still get a good dig-able signal. Started at 27 and took it all the way down to 19. Surprisingly, it still sounded pretty good even at lower levels. Below 19 it started to fade a bit. That was using the Depth theme, so even the deeper targets tend to sound off pretty well. I need to test it again using one of the more traditional audio themes with some modulation to see how that sounds at lower sensitivity levels.

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3 hours ago, Rattlehead said:

Also, on one of the deeper signals (penny at 9”), I lowered the sensitivity down one digit at a time to see how low I could go and still get a good dig-able signal. Started at 27 and took it all the way down to 19. Surprisingly, it still sounded pretty good even at lower levels. Below 19 it started to fade a bit. That was using the Depth theme, so even the deeper targets tend to sound off pretty well. I need to test it again using one of the more traditional audio themes with some modulation to see how that sounds at lower sensitivity levels.

That is the type of test that I like, it lets you know that you can back off a bit with out losing you target under bad situations. Thanks.

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