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Has Anyone Installed The 1.10 Version 3


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Well I will be honest, I am not sure about this third beta Test version 3, I installed it on my Legend I have been trying all the Beta test versions on, prior to this latest 1.10 Beta Test Version 3 and prior to the LG24 coil I was seeing great depth and great stability out of my Legend and was really liking the Beta test version 2, but something has changed in my legend with the new 1.10 version 3, the only thing that was changed according to Nokta is they added a zero setting in the iron filter settings, but something just does not seem rite now with my Legend, up until today I was unable to get out and detect because of snow on the ground and it has been cold, I received the LG24 coil and had been unable to try it out until today Friday, we got a warm up, and Nokta put out another 1.10 Beta test version number 3 so I installed it, it is like Nokta has now done what I was fearing the most that with all these updates my legend seems like it has been dumbed down, the depth just seems to be gone, I was seeing great depth prior to this 1.10 version 3 with the LG15 and LG28, my next step is I will remove the LG24 and mount the LG28 and or the LG15 back on my Legend just to see if it might be the LG24 coil itself, I can not go back to 1.10 version 2 because it is no longer available, so if nothing else I will revert back to version 1.09, which I did not want to do

I may try to re install the 1.10 version 3 again just to see if it might not have installed incorrectly and do another factory reset again, not sure what to do on this one, but something is just off with my Legend now since installing the 1.10 Beta Test version 3, the Beta test Version 2 was working great for me, but no longer with the Beta test version 3, it makes no since because there was only one new thing added in the Beta test version 3
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2 hours ago, DSMITH said:

my next step is I will remove the LG24 and mount the LG28

I would do that before removing 1.10 v3. I have the LG24 for a while now and it's depth is not that great. It's a killer coil when in trashy areas, great separation but it comes at the cost of losing some depth. That's why I also bought the LG30.

But this afternoon I'm going on a hunt with the LG30 & the beta 3 version of the software. I'll keep you informed.

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Just now, HerrUU said:

I would do that before removing 1.10 v3. I have the LG24 for a while now and it's depth is not that great. It's a killer coil when in trashy areas, great separation but it comes at the cost of losing some depth. That's why I also bought the LG30.

But this afternoon I'm going on a hunt with the LG30 & the beta 3 version of the software. I'll keep you informed.

OK after I posted this thread, I decided to re install the 1.10 Beta Test version 3, so what I did, I did a factory reset and then did the reinstall of 1.10 version 3, then I performed another factory reset and reinstalled the 1.10 version 3 again and another factory reset, I then took it out in my yard where I have some targets buried and tested it out again with the LG24 coil it seemed way way  different and much much better, prior to these re installs it would not hit a 10K wedding band at no more than 1-2 inches, with the 1.10 version 3, and the tones seemed really weird also prior to the re install of 1.10 version 3, after the re installs and factory resets it seemed to help a ton, I am starting to think each new version needs to have a few re installs before the update sets in correctly, if that makes sense, this new beta update is not the first time I have had to re install a few times before it seemed to work correctly, I will try it out again when it is not dark outside, and having to do the testing by headlamp though, but it did seem to help my Legend


My recommendation to you is to do a couple of re installs on your Legend with what ever version you are currently using at the moment and see if it does not make a difference on your legend with the LG24, if you do decide to do the re installs do not forget to do a factory rest between each re install  

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6 hours ago, DSMITH said:

I am starting to think each new version needs to have a few re installs before the update sets in correctly, if that makes sense, this new beta update is not the first time I have had to re install a few times before it seemed to work correctly,

Understand what you are saying, but it does not make sense at all that Nokta is doing that intentionally or even unintentionally.   And if that really is the case - that's not a good reflection on Nokta's update utility configuration control.  If the install utility is wonky, the last thing I want to do is to have to repeatedly install an update and risk bricking the machine on every install, requiring it to be sent in for service.  So I'm just hoping the multiple install thing is not real.  And recommending that users do that without Nokta acknowledging the issue is a risky proposition for that very reason.

However, the factory reset before and after (which Nokta recommends BTW) makes sense and I wondered to myself whether you did that on the first install and that was really the difference maker.

Did you test anything between each reset and install or just decided to do the 3 install/reset cycles and then test?

Also, suggest for future reports you remove additional new "variables" when testing, comparing new installs to avoid red herrings and confusion.  Adding the small coil for the first time while simultaneously installing new software and then reporting reduced depth just opens up questions about wherher the coil was the culprit like HerrUU commented above. 

It appears you did observe a performance issue with the install that was above and beyond just having the small coil installed based on the reinstall cycle.

Would like to know if you are noticing any issues with the stock coil now that you think it is sorted with the LG24.

This is probably coming across as hyper critical which is not my intention.  Just trying to be constructive so that the reports can help readers better decide if they want to chance this latest beta update.

Thanks for the report.

Persinally, I'll probably just wait for the March Final release.

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3 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

the factory reset before and after (which Nokta recommends BTW) makes sense

This I did not know, good tip. Until now I just installed the new version and did a factory reset afterwards. 

Went on a hunt with the new 1.10v3 and I didn't encounter any real issues. I'm just getting more and more lost with that Iron Filter setting. Now we have settings from 0 to 9 but I still don't really see what it does when I'm searching in the field. Information is rather vague and sometimes even contradicting. I currently set it on 5 just because it's in the middle but don't ask me what it does. It's not a bug, it's just me not really understanding what I'm doing.

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3 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

Understand what you are saying, but it does not make sense at all that Nokta is doing that intentionally or even unintentionally.   And if that really is the case - that's not a good reflection on Nokta's update utility configuration control.  If the install utility is wonky, the last thing I want to do is to have to repeatedly install an update and risk bricking the machine on every install, requiring it to be sent in for service.  So I'm just hoping the multiple install thing is not real.  And recommending that users do that without Nokta acknowledging the issue is a risky proposition for that very reason.

However, the factory reset before and after (which Nokta recommends BTW) makes sense and I wondered to myself whether you did that on the first install and that was really the difference maker.

Did you test anything between each reset and install or just decided to do the 3 install/reset cycles and then test?

Also, suggest for future reports you remove additional new "variables" when testing, comparing new installs to avoid red herrings and confusion.  Adding the small coil for the first time while simultaneously installing new software and then reporting reduced depth just opens up questions about wherher the coil was the culprit like HerrUU commented above. 

It appears you did observe a performance issue with the install that was above and beyond just having the small coil installed based on the reinstall cycle.

Would like to know if you are noticing any issues with the stock coil now that you think it is sorted with the LG24.

This is probably coming across as hyper critical which is not my intention.  Just trying to be constructive so that the reports can help readers better decide if they want to chance this latest beta update.

Thanks for the report.

Persinally, I'll probably just wait for the March Final release.

I understand what you are saying Chase, I do a factory reset every time I install a new version and occasionally after, I do not believe Nokta is doing anything intentionally as far as the update and having to re install the new versions, I just think sometimes it takes a couple of re installs for the updates to set in correctly it could be that it glitches at some point while installing or something was just off I am not really sure what the deal is

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24 minutes ago, HerrUU said:

This I did not know, good tip. Until now I just installed the new version and did a factory reset afterwards. 

Went on a hunt with the new 1.10v3 and I didn't encounter any real issues. I'm just getting more and more lost with that Iron Filter setting. Now we have settings from 0 to 9 but I still don't really see what it does when I'm searching in the field. Information is rather vague and sometimes even contradicting. I currently set it on 5 just because it's in the middle but don't ask me what it does. It's not a bug, it's just me not really understanding what I'm doing.

It is rite in the instructions when you download a new version, to do a Factory default reset after a install of a new version, and you are not the only one that does not read through the instructions

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18 minutes ago, DSMITH said:

I understand what you are saying Chase, I do a factory reset every time I install a new version and occasionally after, I do not believe Nokta is doing anything intentionally as far as the update and having to re install the new versions, I just think sometimes it takes a couple of re installs for the updates to set in correctly it could be that it glitches at some point while installing or something was just off I am not really sure what the deal is

Thank you.   I appreciate you diving into these Betas and providing these reports, I know you have been on the front lines in this regard, so thank you again.  I was coming at it from the perspective that I can't remember everyone's routine, so the report posts need to stand on their own to help the reader, especially for those readers who might be "tuning in" for the first time.  Thanks for filling in those gaps with the additional info, answering my questions, and, most of all, not taking offense at all the questions. 

I probably overreacted to the multiple install thing but that was directed at Nokta - the update Beta's should simply be providing us with almost ready for prime time operating software and no cut corners or sloppiness should be tolerated in the install routines at this point.  I know that they had issues early on with update program compatibility and I thought those had been addressed.  And, while it is always possible for an update to hiccup during the install process, that situation should not result in an indicated "successful" update because checksums or other error detection methods should be used to identify a failed install and revert back to the previous SW configuration.  And there never should be a situation where three installs are needed to get it right without flagging any errors.   If the glitch results in the machine ending up in an unknown state due to an added feature or setting, then a factory reset should take care of that.  As I said, hopefully, this is not indicative of sloppiness in the update routine and that it gets addressed.  It's hard enough to get users through it when everything is working correctly.

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4 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

Did you test anything between each reset and install or just decided to do the 3 install/reset cycles and then test?

to answer this no I did not test anything between the re installs, I did the initial install and when i noticed what I noticed after debating myself as to whether to do the re installs, I did them, I also have not re mounted the LG28 or LG15 the LG24 seems to be working now but I will have to perform some more test to actually verify that is the case, I do intend to try all three coils just to make sure, nothing else is off with the Beta test version 3

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