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Hello everyone,

This is the first time I've joined a forum, and the first time I've posted anything. I appreciate the expertise of all the forum members as my most of my knowledge of metal detectors has come from this forum. One of the most common questions that a newbie asks is "what is the best metal detector for (fill in the blank)?". Of course, a veteran detectorist realizes that a knowledge of how different types of detectors operate must be gained before an educated decision can be made. A basic knowledge of electronics is required, and ones knowledge increases incrementally as one gets familiar with the operation of a detector. With time one begins to understand what detectors will work for the type of detecting one is doing. There is a lot to know to become an expert. It requires a dedication , passion and a thirst for knowledge. My main interest is gold prospecting so most of my focus is on detectors that are for this. I still have a lot more to learn, but I feel much more comfortable now that I know what I know. The good thing is the more you know, the better equipped you are to teach others which is the best part. Thanks Steve for creating this forum and doing your part to keep prospecting alive!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I wondered why I lost my account so now I know. No posts UGH!

I'm not a newbie at this but too busy atm with caregiving duties to post and didn't know about posting so here is my first one haha.

I hope to be more active in the future.

BTW, I love reading posts and lurking ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I'm new to this forum and just beginning to branch out to get help from fellow prospectors. I have 2 Minelabs 1) Eureka Gold and 1) Exterra 705. I prefer the E 705 as it is less complicated to use. Haven't done much except the beach at Ventura and near Zuma beach. This looks like a great place to start. I'm glad that Steve is weeding out the junk. I'm appalled at the lack of scruples and character in people today!!! I'm 76, and definately saw better days!!!

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Welcome Crossbow37!

GotAU (Anthony) said you were joining.

Happy Hunting


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Hello, I'm new to this forum and just beginning to branch out to get help from fellow prospectors. I have 2 Minelabs 1) Eureka Gold and 1) Exterra 705. I prefer the E 705 as it is less complicated to use. Haven't done much except the beach at Ventura and near Zuma beach. This looks like a great place to start. I'm glad that Steve is weeding out the junk. I'm appalled at the lack of scruples and general character of people today!

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Thanks for letting me join, I started detecting in the late 70’s with a cscope. We could detect on parks back then! Stopped for around 40 yrs and started again 4 yrs ago with a nox 600. I have just up graded to the Manticore and was hoping to get some top tips from you guys. My best finds over the years is a 15th century church brass, and a 1/4 stater. I look forward to learning and maybe provide a few tips myself, you never know?

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