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Surprise Find While Beach Detecting In Australia

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Hmmm, thanks gold seeker... I typed steel, but ment iron. The ones my dad had did have some kind of a squarish slot or slots, but for sure no flat areas or seams that I remember. The story was they came directly from a pile of balls stored somewhere on the military base, I'm pretty sure that's accurate, so if they weren't cannon balls I don't know what else they would have been... Sounds like they would have been solid shot.

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All solid shot has a molding seam, sometimes depending on the finishing work (i.e, filing) done after casting may have made the seam less apparent on some shot.

I guess at some point someone could have milled square slots in some larger cannonballs after they were found to aid in moving them around.



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  • 3 months later...

Now thats a real story about a Guardian Angel" Working Overtime!:laugh:

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