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Anyone Using A Zoleo?

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My wife has never been a fan of me being out in the woods, alone and off trail. Most of the colonial era sites I detect at are out in the remote woods and the trails and cart paths that once led to them are no longer visible. So years ago we agreed upon a plan that I would call her a few hours into the hunt just to let her know I was alive. Plus, I always left a map of where I would be and what time I should be home by. This has worked fairly well over the years EXCEPT when there was no cell phone service.

This happened on a hunt last month when for some reason an area that usually has cell service didn’t have cell service. Needless to say, my wife was not in a good mood when I got home. It doesn’t matter that statistically I am safer hiking alone in the woods then she is when she drives to the supermarket. Reason doesn’t come into play at all in these discussions however.

So to restore tranquility, I went and purchased one of those Zoleo 2-way satellite tracking units. All my wife has to do now is open the app on her phone and she can see where I am on a map. It gives the exact coordinates, shows my breadcrumbs. It’s got some other nice features such as an SOS button. It will use cell service if available, if none is available is it will automatically use the iridium satellite network. It’s pretty slick.

It's a win-win. She’s happy now. If I do fall and break my neck out in the middle of the woods, they will be able to recover my body before the coyotes get to dine on me. I am happy because I can detect anywhere with out worrying about my wife getting all worked up and upset if I lose cell service.

Tranquility has been restored.


Zoleo 20240312_153654.jpg

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Zoleo is great. If you aren't using it actively you can keep the subscription open for like four dollars a month. I have sent messages out to the air service from the back country in Idaho and vise versa. Connect with other users. Much more affordable than a Spot device. Just took a trip to Nevada and wandered into no cell service. If you break down you can get a message out. I've always been self reliant but it gives family members peace of mind.KIMG0689.thumb.JPG.cc4aeabda5b24b2acdaace8cd568d800.JPG

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I am going to check into this to keep track of my girlfriend when I am working in the Gulf.

Just kidding as there is always a need for items like this, so why not just get one and use it when you need it.

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