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The Legend bE Beast Mode on Fringe Targets

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In response to some questions about the new V1.15 bE Beast Mode performance on fringe depth targets, I ran it over some of my deep targets in my mild ground test bed. I felt no need to bury any fresh fringe deep targets as several I already have are 5+ years in the ground.  The previous video I posted only concentrated on targets in my Mineralized test bed.  


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More than once, I've heard or read you say, "I'm not sure when I would use beast mode", and I've said the same thing numerous times as well.

My testing of beast mode compared to field /park, left me a little confused. More specifically, on some fringe targets beast mode was much better than park / field, but much worse on other targets. I kind of think it only excels on targets that are almost indistinguishable from the ground signal and/or very fringe lower conductor targets. Which is great for certain scenarios.

I guess about the only time I can see myself using BM, is if I've cleaned out an area of all targets in park or field, then wanted to get the last bit of the most fringe targets.


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@Digalicious   That is about where I am also at this point.  From my observations & understanding, both bE and dt are focused on separation of the target from the Ground response.  bE as a Motion based All Metal mode basis,  dt as a Motion based Tone ID/Disc mode.  The bE often gives stronger audio than dt, but dt gives more audio intelligence using the available tone bin options.  Two different ways to skin a cat.  Either way, V1.15 is a large step up in performance on difficult targets/terrain. It is more evident/useful to me working in my mineralized red dirt sites.

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I use the Beast Mode for gold prospecting, using the 2nd ground over “hot rocks” or “cold rocks”. The 1st ground is preformed over the ground. Hot rocks have a higher mineralization than ground mineralization, cold rocks have a mineralization lower than ground mineralization. This will either eliminate or break up the hot/cold rock tone. Since gold is often in highly mineralized ground the TID is depressed, not reliable and small low or mid conductive target depth is reduced to an inch or two. DT has worked for me for normal size targets with depth improvement based on ground mineralization. 

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6 hours ago, JCR said:

@Digalicious   That is about where I am also at this point.  From my observations & understanding, both bE and dt are focused on separation of the target from the Ground response.  bE as a Motion based All Metal mode basis,  dt as a Motion based Tone ID/Disc mode.  The bE often gives stronger audio than dt, but dt gives more audio intelligence using the available tone bin options.  Two different ways to skin a cat.  Either way, V1.15 is a large step up in performance on difficult targets/terrain. It is more evident/useful to me working in my mineralized red dirt sites.

Thanks for Vid JCR..I like the V1.15 also and as I previously posted  before, the BM is much less chatty than DT for me in the soil I hunt in. The DT does give a little better ID  but I always end up BM when relic hunting in non trashy places. It's a shame that video isn't valid due to the fact that  the keypad is painted...lol

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Yes, I have been caught.  An unauthorized performance modified detector was used in all my videos.  White highlight on the UI buttons,  scored & highlighted index marks on the shafts, Velcro pile liner in the arm cuff, and the most egregious, a 20 gauge Winchester AA shot shell hull covering the auxiliary battery connector.  I will have to start using Photo Shop to blend in.🙃

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  • 4 weeks later...

I now have a little hunt time & some more test garden experimenting on things I have observed using bE /Beast mode. It is going to be more useful to me than I initially thought for working in my red dirt mineral sites.

While often more susceptible to EMI than Field M1, bE is effective on deeper targets at much lower Sensitivity levels. 10” bullet & 8” Quarter hit fine @ 18.

Using the smaller LG 24 (9.5X6)  Field M1 using dt will not hit the targets 6” or deeper in my mineral test bed. It will with the larger LG 28, 30 & 35, but not the smaller coils.  bE will, down to 18 Sensitivity.

While Recovery of 1 works fine as far as sweep speed,  there is a fine balance point between the Iron low tone & the good higher tone on the deeper targets. The higher the Recovery setting, the less tendency to call a good non ferrous target low.  This is similar to the IR adjustment but more subtle.  With the IR @ 2(seems best all around for now), Recovery of 1 adds quite a bit of low tone to my 8&10” test targets. If I increase Recovery to 3 or 4 the tone starts cleaning up. At 6, practically all of the low Iron tone is gone and the higher tone is still strong & not overly clipped. With the higher Recovery, a 2-3” nail still low tones.

I would like to see @Nokta Detectors increase the resolution of the IR adjustment.  I need a 1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5……..

The machine does not retain the GB for Beast mode when shut down, it starts back up @0.  Using it in minerals at 0 is not optimal. Setting the 2nd GB also seems to be best, even if there are no Hot Rocks.

Thats where I am at present.

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I forgot to mention one other setting that seems to be important when using bE mode. More so than with the normal Tone ID modes. That is Audio Gain.  After hunting this morning on a bad EMI site & struggling to find the right balance between Sensitivity and AG I checked my hunt settings in my mineral test bed. At 22 Sensitivity & AG at 3, the 6-10” test targets were very quiet. Too quiet.  At 18 Sensitivity & AG at 6 they were strong enough to not be easily missed. I only dug 2 period targets using the first combination. I will use the latter when I go back.

 I also played around with a Custom Disc pattern to eliminate pull tabs. 29-34 were the only points notched out. It seems to work fine & actually gives a third distinct tone for a disc’d target. There may be some potential in this.

 Getting some nice Beryl rain showers this evening. Heavy ran tomorrow. Digging will be good again for awhile.

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Lots of good info JCR. Thanks! I use Be alot and like you I have found it doesn't always do well on fringe targets.(in the test garden) Turning up the AG to 6 does help hear the fringe stuff better. In my soil the Be is the quietest and allows me to turn the sensitivity up higher than the other modes. I am still trying to figure out what recovery speed to use(I am mostly using the LG 24). I keep the IR at 2. Did you say that you leave the GB1 at 0 and just use the GB2?

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