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Shipping Update from Garrett

Lead Detector

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Thanks for posting that Lead Detector and thanks to Garrett for listening to their customers.

As far as I am concerned Garrett can take as long as they need to get things the way the want them. 

Look forward to the actual finished Vortex series.

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It just keeps getting better.  I had a hunch they'd add something like this at some point, Nokta had a similar launch whereby they were insisting iron bias wasn't required, it got quite heated for a bit there and now of course they have it. 

Garrett is responding to user requirements even before release, delaying release to ensure they're ready, can't complain about that.  

By putting a proper screen on it suitable for updates like this they don't need to deal with the mess of configuration combination hold this button and that button and access secret menu stuff other detectors have had to deal with, a good move on Garretts part.

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  • The title was changed to Shipping Update from Garrett

That works well for some customers but I'm betting a lot of them out there won't feel comfortable doing an update, they'd prefer it came with it.   I would think generally most on a forum are competent enough on computers to do updates but you can bet there are plenty out there that won't or can't, many won't even have a computer to do them on.

Garrett likely just wants to flash them all up to the new firmware before shipping, I can understand their reasoning behind that.

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I just hope that Garrett does not go nuts and add a ton of settings and features, especially hidden settings and features making the Vortex VX9 to unfriendly to users

I have said from day one that the appealing thing for me with the Vortex is the lack of a bunch of settings and features, especially hidden settings and features, that for me personally confuses everything when setting a detector up (KISS)

(and no I am not calling Garrett Stupid) LOL before that opens a big ole can of worms 


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Their point of difference is trying to make a machine very user friendly, not a complicated machine at all, and I'm sure a big part of the market will appreciate that, adding a couple of features won't change that, the screen as they say is very capable of displaying anything they want so they can add changes very easily without key combinations and complicated submenus.

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2 hours ago, phrunt said:

Their point of difference is trying to make a machine very user friendly, not a complicated machine at all, and I'm sure a big part of the market will appreciate that, adding a couple of features won't change that, the screen as they say is very capable of displaying anything they want so they can add changes very easily without key combinations and complicated submenus.

Question for you phrunt or anyone else that might know

could Garrett at some point come out with an update and give the Vortex a color screen or would that require a hardware change to do that ???, that would be one update or upgrade I would love to see if it was possible and would gladly pay for LOL

i did watch a pod cast that Steve Moore was on and he kind of hinted at something with a color screen down the road at some point.

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