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Question For Tboykin On MXS


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Tom,  one of my requirements for a fresh water detector is the ability to see targets under cold rocks.  I'm in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan where they are abundant in a few lakes and beaches around here.  DD coils usually take care of this but I need to be sure.


Tom Z

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7 hours ago, Jackpine said:

Tom,  one of my requirements for a fresh water detector is the ability to see targets under cold rocks.  I'm in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan where they are abundant in a few lakes and beaches around here.  DD coils usually take care of this but I need to be sure.


Tom Z

Hey other Tom. See the below video. The MX Sport can see right through many types of iron, though I can't guarantee it will match this kind of performance in every situation. Target size, depth, orientation, they all play a factor. Reports from the field indicate that holes with iron previously dug up (and left, can ya believe it) by other hobbyists are producing good finds for MX Sport users. Have heard many instances of junk beside, over, and below coins and buttons with this detector. I would guess it's due to our famous ground filters...

FWIW I have tried this test with coins underneath iron targets like nails, wire brush, and trash and most of the time the MX Sport is able to unmask the target, but your mileage may vary.


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Thanks for your quick reply.  The MXS performance in iron is also also important to me for working the shallows in fresh water lakes.  The lakes  near me very considerably in bottom makeup.  From deep sand, to marl or clay bottoms to exposed gravel cobbles.  It's those cobble areas that can be a problem for some detectors.  Place a nickel or gold ring under a fist sized cold rock and many machine won't see it.  Have only seen a couple VLF's using concentric that can do this usually a DD will handle them. For example, the Tek Omega with a concentric coil fails but, put on the 11" DD coil and it passes the test.

White's must have some cold rocks for testing laying around?? The kind that null when passing over the center giving that boing sound response.


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