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Congrats On The New Forum

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Steve thank you for providing what will become the top forum for seeking informative information on MD's new and old and those that have yet to be designed or thought of. Looking forward to the discussion of the Minelab 2300 / Garrett ATX.

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Good to hear, and yes, I expect 3-4 trips next summer to get some nozzle time on our side of the creek down from the benches there. Just prospect some of the shallow bedrock areas and enjoy the beauty up there. PM me if you have time, I would like to chat with ya about some stuff.

And Good Luck on your new adventures down there!

Cheers, Jack

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Finally made it.. My email kicked my validation out as spam, glad to see you decided to get another forum going.


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Congrats on the new forum. I am looking forward to your posts on hunting the Nevada gold grounds. I am working on getting access to some good detecting ground around Yosemite and will invite you down for some beeping and prospecting when it comes through.


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Really happy to see you created your own forum Steve.  I've been following your writings for many years.  The first being your writeup on Crow Creek and the Gold Bug 2.  Just read your post regarding the VLF's.  I'm finding that the Gold Bug Pro is fast becoming my favorite.  If I could change anything on the Gold Bug Pro, it would be to have the small 6" eliptical coil.  That coil on the Gold Bug 2 is deadly, and fun to use. 


Still have the Gold Bug 2, just can't bring myself to part with it.  It's like an old friend.


Also looking forward to your comments on the ATX and 8" mono coil.


Best of luck to you in your new ventures.


Steve K

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Hi Steve, glad you got a forum that we can talk about thing that our detectors do, without making someone mad. I don,t think anyone don,t like most detectors, but you just get to love the one that you use the most. If we can,t compear them how do we know what we would like to try. I have 7 detectors now and need to sell some but witch one , i like them all. I use my MXT the most. Ok Ok i need to stop, and just say i hope this ends up being the best forum on the net. Dean

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