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What Got Me Into Mining

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I bought a 1000 square meter residential stand in Bulawayo sometime in 2015. The Civil Engineer who helped me clear the place of trees told me that the type of rocks on the property could be carrying gold bearing veins. I took pieces of the rocks for assay and the results were promising. (See picture below  for grades per tonne). Unfortunately one cannot mine on residential stands here.

Now it turns out there are old mine workings nearby and there is a mine  called Old Nickel also and it probably owns the mineral rights in the area.

It motivated me to take an interest in finding out more about gold as my country is basically rich with all sorts of minerals all over. Bulawayo is generally a gold bearing town, there is what is called the Bulawayan Greenstone belt. So it runs even under my house and I sleep on gold ore that I cannot touch and spend my days on a desk job.

It struck a cord of discontent in me that has brought me to the point of now being about to dig my 1st shaft 30 km from town where, with the necessary paperwork, one is allowed to mine. Initially I had bought a GPX 5000 which I ended up selling because I just did not have the time to walk around in the bush detecting, worse still neither did I have the patience.

Samples from stand.png

Residential Property Stand.JPG

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Good luck in your adventure.

Sure if not patience detecting is definitely no hobby for you.It can be frustrating finding junk but then has many good benefits.Walking, relaxing in nature,Recharging bateries from rat race of city lifestyle.


Whatever you decide hope and wish you success.



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Very  true.  I  havent  completely  abandoned it.  Will get me  a gpx 7000 one  of these days. Its good  for  burning  fat

We  have had  some  serious  rains  this  year,  sweeping-bridges-type  of  rain so  lots  of ground  exposed  for  guys with  detectors

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