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New Gold Show On Discovery Channel: 6 June 2017

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2 hours ago, fredmason said:

I watched the first show...I was not impressed with the whining

We were hoping for a show primarily about finding and recovering gold.  Throw in the surviving as a sidelight.  What we got is a show about surviving, with gold as the afterthought.

2 hours ago, fredmason said:

I hope it gets better....

You and I both, but I'm not getting my hopes up.  These producers, etc. know how important it is to get things started right so the audience will return, and bring their friends.  I'm concerned they've shown us what they think their audience wants to see (= surviving and whining, and not doing either of those particularly well).  But I will also give them another chance.

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Tuesday I watched for final episode (#6) of the "1st Season".  Given the track record of these kinds of shows (adventure, etc., not just gold shows) I wonder if "Final Season" is also the proper description.  I watched all but the 2nd one.

It's possible my expectations were lowered drastically, but I found the last 2 (in particular) to be more about gold and less about survival.  The final (approximate) tally was: Ben 12 tr.oz., Boyce 5 tr.oz., and John 3.5 tr.oz.

Ben spent the most time at his site (~60 days if I remember correctly) and 70-something John the least.  If the gold they videoed finding wasn't planted, this is a productive area.

These shows have trouble conveying the truth, at least to my high standards.  The first episode claimed they could have only what they carried on their backs.  Then in a later episode Boyce claims the raft he builds to cross the river is carrying 1000 lb.  Two of the three (not John) had high-bankers with their associated gasoline powered engines.  How much fuel does it take to run those?  "Only what they carried on their backs?"  They had tents, guns, shovels, picks, axes, food,...

I looked up "Devil's Canyon, British Columbia" on Google Maps and, if that found the right spot, there is a road within a few to several miles of the location.  It may be locally remote, but in global terms, not so much.

Still, with all those shortcomings, it seemed from my less-than-expert eye that the info they conveyed on how and where they found the gold made sense.  I hope some of you more experienced prospectors/miners can weigh in on that part.


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