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Gold Monster Has Arrived In The Yukon

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Finally the GM has arrived up in the Yukon yesterday and I managed to get today off. Off to the claim I went. 

Skunked. First found a .22 Short casing under moss, then a shard of bullet about 4" in gravel. Both sounded off loud with consistent right readings. Also found a 1972 Canadian dime on way home at a river crossing on edge of the river and panned one solid signal and found three colours. Oh and a 1 1/4" rusted steel nut. 

I'm thinking I need a new pair of hiking boots. Pretty sure the "steel" toe boots I was wearing was screwing up the detector.  Scanned the toes and it banged hard non ferrous. 

Steve, no graphite so far... And worthwhile visible gold. Ran it mainly in Auto plus and Iron reject with full volume on the external speaker. 

But at least I got out of town and had fun. Better luck next time I hope :)


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  • 5 weeks later...

Well I have had the GM out a few times in random spots around Whitehorse and my claim and still haven't found any gold. Not because the GM doesn't work but because frankly I'm not over gold. Kinda in a heavily glaciated area.

Looking forward to vacation in the Southern Okanagan in a few weeks. There are two public panning reserves within an hour drive that the province owns and metal detectors are allowed. Princeton (Gold/Platinum) and Kettle Valley (Gold) 


Otherwise have found bullet casings, coins, broken pieces of lead and aluminum, beer cans, pop tops and pull tabs, foil like crazy and sometimes big bolts or thick pieces of rusted broken iron and fuel drums which false signal to me as non ferrous.

And this rock with a neat deposit on it.

Also discovered you can't use it near a bear fence, it definetly interferes.

Happy Hunting Everyone!





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I was crossing my fingers for you but when you head to places where you have never heard of nuggets being found with a detector before... well, the odds are very low. I do that from time to time and frankly I almost always get skunked. Still, it needs to be done as you never know unless you try. Most people in the forum who show gold, including myself, are almost always finding it in places where it has been found before.

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The more I use the machine, the better I will hopefully be able at operating it. So when I might finally be over a nugget I should be able to recover it :) 

Only a matter of time and location!

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  • 4 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Bryce said:

Steve, GM question for you...

When its in iron discrimination mode and you see the bar go all iron, is it possible that there could be gold there too but the iron signal wins overall?

There is no perfect discrimination system on a metal detector. It is very easy for the GM1000 or any discriminating detector to identify gold as a ferrous target, especially in highly mineralized ground.

The detector "sees" everything under the coil. One tiny gold nugget and a few gallons of iron mineralized dirt. The more mineralized to soil is, the more likely it is that the detector will add it all up and respond ferrous. This is especially true of weak signals. I have seen the meter read full ferrous several times on a target while responding just once as non-ferrous, and turn up a nugget. If using all metal plus the meter (that is how I do it) then check the target from several angles and at different sweep speeds. If it responds non-ferrous just once - dig it! Look for reasons to dig, not reasons to pass on targets.

More on subject

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