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Prospecting For Processed Gold

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Hey Steve,

I didn't feel like you were pushing the V3i at all. I asked what everyone likes and you gave me that and much more, so thank you for that!

I had forgotten about that Tesoro Compadre. A friend of mine had one and it is a very effective little detector.

I do like the V3i and the 22.5 kHz may be more sensitive to small gold than the 14 kHz MTX.

Also the price of the V3i isn't that expensive compared to my ATX and other gold prospecting PI detectors out there.

I will be looking forward to more results in your comparison betwen the V3i, F75, FORS Gold and CTX 3030.

Thanks Steve.

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Sorry Everyone.
I have been experiencing issues getting online, or when I do get on, keeping the connection.  


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Turning into a great thread.

 I love the pictures, plidn1.

My favorites for inland processed gold.....

Tesoro Golden Sabre II (GSII).....Discontinued......12 kHz, two tones with adjustable tone break, and the tone break will send shivers down your spine on gold when set correctly.  Notch Accept or Notch Reject that is user adjustable.  I have this tuned for hunting woodchip playgrounds with the Cleansweep coil mounted on it.   I need to put a manual ground balance on it so I can use it in turf.   I tried a couple of days ago but I had bought the wrong pots.  I bought 10k ohm when I actually need 100k ohms.   I tried anyway but it didn't work and I had to return it to stock.    I hope to have another go at it next week.  I want to put an external pot on it for both the ground balance and the notch width.   Cleansweep in the woodchips.  8" concentric in the turf. 

Tesoro Golden Micromax with the new tone arrangment....Discontinued....10 kHz, with a gold tone that can be moved along the gold disc range.   Worked well.  But Tesoro thought its best attributes were bugs.   When I called and tried to talk with them about it, they wanted to do all the talking and none of the listening.  You can find my posts about it on Findmall, maybe.  Many of my posts lost their content after the server crash/upgrade.   I currently don't have one now but will probably get another one one of these days if I ever get the SGT sold.  I loved the Cleansweep coil on this one.  Almost never took it off.

Fisher F5...This one is super for gold jewelry hunting in my opinion.   I actually chain hunt with mine, well, not chain hunt, more like "clasp" hunt because it can be set hot with low gain settings and I just hunt the tiny clasps.

Fisher F75.... I have a F75 LTD DST model and now that it's quiet and I can actually hunt with it I am finding it a super detector for just about everything.   I find it working really well in JE mode with about a 20 sensitivity with the 10" eliptical coil off my F5.  I love it.   

Teknetics Eurotek Pro... Low tone for iron, VCO mid tone for gold, and high tone for high conductors.  This one works well for jewelry hunting.   I should use it more.  Its fun. 

Whites DFX....The DFX in 15kHz only, normalization turned off, or in reversed mixed mode.

Whites V3i....I like the V3i mainly for the visual id.   It offers spectragraph that shows three signagraphs on the screen, one for each frequency, but you can turn the spectragraph off, which then shows only one signagraph for the dominate frequency.   It also allows you to adjust the number of VDI each bar represents, so you can change the defauft 7 TDI per bar to a smaller number, like 1 VDI per bar.  There are other signagraph controls that allow you to tune the visual response just so, result being the best visual target representation available today, in my opinion.   Intelligent visualization.   I sold my last one to fund another purchase but will get another one in 2015. 

Those are my favorites.  Right now I'm enamored with  the F75.   I'd pay a premium to get a Cleansweep/Bigfoot style coil for my Fishers.


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Well,  the connection seems to be holding...so I'm going to keep posting :D

Staying with the inland locations, where do you find gold jewelry?

#1, I would say is any place where someone would take it off.   People take jewelry off for safe keeping, either so they won't lose it due to #2 below, or so that it doesn't get damaged while doing #2 below.  Ok...so they took it off.  Where did they put it?   How would it get lost if it was taken off on purpose for safe keeping.   Think about it.  What activities would cause you to take off a ring or chain?   Did you put it in your pocket?   What would cause it to fall out of your pocket.    Did you lay it by a landmark?  What would cause you to forget to retreive it?  

#2 is where some sort of activity takes it off.  This can be all sorts of activities.  Who is wearing the jewelry and where are they doing activities that would cause them to lose it.   Think about it.  If you didn't take off the ring, what activity would cause it to leave your finger?  If you didn't take off the chain, or bracelet, what activity would cause it to leave your neck or wrist?

You should be able to make a list for both #1 and #2. 


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One of the nicest things about the beach is the combined effect of sunscreen and cool water. Put on a little sunscreen, let the warm sun make your fingers a bit moist along with the oily sunscreen, then go play in the surf. Cooler water, shrinking fingers, mechanical action of the waves - another treasure deposited!

Another pet theory of mine is that some folks mark the end of a relationship by tossing the ring which marked it into the water as a gesture of their feelings - sad but useful.

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Rick, tossing the ring in the water is right on.  I remember reading an article many years ago about this being done off some bridge in Reno.  If what I remember is really true, maybe Steve or Chris know about it.  If true, the area is probably off limits for detecting.  Maybe a night hunt is in order (just kidding)


After writing this, I need to do some research, got me wanting to know more.

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Beach detecting can be great fun, but it is not without it's dangers. For us married guys one of the disadvantages of beach detecting is the way attractive young women keep coming up,and asking if you have found anything - hoping, I suppose - to be shown some nice bit of jewelry.

Not so much fun are the brats who toss pennies in your path!

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