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First Find With The 600

Mike Buck

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Man, what a way to start out - congratulations!

There are not too many people running the 600 and posting - see the Post about Terry Soloman. I want to reiterate to everyone that the Equinox 600 is and Equinox 800 under the hood. The main difference is the User Profile button is missing, and a number of tuning options, mostly revolving around audio customization, are kept simple. The Gold Mode really is a specialty “Pro Mode” that is of interest mainly to gold prospectors.

However, if you compare the Equinox 600 to other $649 detectors to say it is feature limited would be an injustice. There is nothing like it for the price. The bottom line is an Equinox 600 and Equinox 800 that are set up exactly the same will have the exact same performance. I predict that forum denizens will flock to the Equinox 800 but the Equinox 600 is going to be the big seller in the long run.



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5 hours ago, daryl curtis said:

hi guys are there any other reviews out there of people using a 600 as im looking at one of these for myself and on for my partner any help to point in the right direction would be grateful cheers guys 


I will be using it and can do my best to tell you how it performs. I have never used a VLF detector before so this is my first one. Like I said I probably only got about 10 minutes to swing yesterday but plan on giving it a good run through here soon. For my experience level, the 600 is all I need. Like Steve said, it's basically the same machine under the hood. If your a more experienced hunter and have had some nicer machines, the 800 may want to be your choice with some of the customizable features,  but for me, the 600 will serve me well. 



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