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Makro Racer First Impression / Gold Racer Preview

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The Makro Racer at $649 with 11" x 7" DD coil gives the Fisher Gold Bug Pro at $649 with 5" round DD coil a distinct run for the money. The Racer is actually being compared favorably to the more expensive Fisher F19 at $799. A good independent report at http://www.dankowskidetectors.com/discussions/read.php?2,79742

No word at all on the Gold Racer that I have heard.

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Hi All,

I was about to squeeze the trigger on the Fors Gold as a multi purpose machine ( I only have prospecting machines and would like to do a little coin shooting/trashy areas detecting). Now the Gold Racer is coming and was wondering from those of you who have the Fors Gold...is it worth waiting for the Gold Racer? Does the Fors Gold Do O.K. in Arizona's hot ground? Better than a Gold Bug 2? I know that we don't know much about the Gold Racer in terms of frequency and all but is the Racer ergonomically (and such) better than the Fors Gold? Just having the usual dilemma...to buy or not to buy now or wait? Thanks!



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Well, I have the Gold Bug 2 and it is really in a separate category - it is not a multiuse detector. Incredibly hot on tiny gold, but lacking depth on larger nuggets in mineralized ground. But for what it does nothing replaces the Gold Bug 2.

I also have a Racer and a FORS Gold and I can't for the life of me say one is better than the other. They are just different. People used to swinging a Minelab might just like the FORS more. The Racer is a more traditional setup. Because of the way they balance I like the Racer when running the small coil and FORS when running the big 17" coil.

I am hoping the Gold Racer will be somewhat of a tie breaker, but the problem really is we do not know yet what it will do. You would hate to buy one of the others, then find out the Gold Racer was what you really wanted.

I do know this. Last time out with the GPZ I got tired of digging junk at one point and wished I had a VLF along. Next outing the Racer goes just because it is such a great "grab and go" sort of machine. The FORS not so much.

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Thanks Steve,

I know it's all speculative as we know nothing about the Gold Racer. Just driving myself nuts trying to decide if I should wait or not. The weather here is perfect for the next few months so I'm anxious to give the Fors a try but would hate to jump the gun when the unreleased machine would have fit the bill better for just a short wait. Still a prospector more than anything and this would help in the trashy areas if it can handle the ground. Seems to be lots of conflicting reports regarding the Fors and how it handles the ground even from the same areas. Many variables I know ( the operator for one).

In your opinion how would the Fors handle central Arizona gold field soil (don't know if this soil is considered really hot in comparison to other areas you have hunted with the Fors)? I found Rye Patch to be fairly tame by comparison. The GB2 is useless in some of the areas around here but has its place as you mentioned. Thanks.


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I have hunted in several locations in Arizona and saw nothing that the FORS should not be able to handle about as well as any mid-frequency VLF. I think the conflicting reports are mostly based on expectations. Anyone expecting the Nokta or Makro detectors to be much different than the pile of mid-frequency VLF detectors already on the market when it comes to prospecting is going to be disappointed. They did not figure out how to make a VLF perform like a PI. They are very good VLF detectors but will struggle in bad ground just like any other hot VLF detector.

It is handling ground in Australia well enough https://www.prospectingaustralia.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?id=11147 and plenty of good reports out of Northern California.

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Thank you for your response. I dont know why I'm fretting over this as I don't have a mid range vlf that discriminates and could extend my hunting to trashy areas, parks, and such. The Fors would do just fine for this I'm sure. Too many choices !



Man, that is a great find! I've been following his posts regarding the Fors and he seems to be really happy with the machine.


Thanks guys!



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Here's a field test done by Chris Gholson on the Nokta Fors Gold.  Chris is now a dealer for the Nokta detectors.  Rob Allison is the dealer in AZ for the Makro line of detectors.  Hope this helps in your decision.



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Thanks Steve Kiesel,

I live down the road from Chris. I am going to try and go by there today and check the machine out. My septic line backed up this morning :( and I just got done fixing it. So much for the first half of my day off (and I thought that my pooo didn't stink ;). Man, was I wrong!!).



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