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Gold Basin - Gold And Meteorites

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Meteorites from the Basin are not high in money value so much as interesting and something else to find while wandering the hills hoping for gold. There are many types of meteorites, Chrondrites being the most common. There is a pretty good article in the ICMJ that is basic. The only thing I strongly disagree with is the "everything belongs to the Gov" bs...it just ain't so.

Dave, if a minelab won't detect the nickel/iron it must be very fine and very low quality...I doubt anyone will ever sort all the Gb meteorites found there. Just from curiosity I tried my GB Pro in zero discriminate and the smaller Gb meteorites were invisible to it.


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 I also disagree with the everything belongs to the Gov' BS :angry: ....  There are ways around that BS,  if you have a good University Professor friend/ hookup, in the name of science molarky !!! , probably said to much already .... :ph34r:


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Thanks Reg.I found/eyeballed a local area rock shaped sorta like an Apollo space capsule and looked like a stony meterorite inside it, gray with sparkly bits.I only picked it up because it had a thin black paper thick crust on the outside. Unfortunately,it is non magnetic. There is a parking lot over that area now ....rock was broken by the farmers plow...I have heard there are non magnetic meteorites...maybe I should take it to the Chicago Field Museum one of these days..they are sposed to have 1400 meteorites in their collection..



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