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Busted The Skunk...SDC 1st Gold!

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A whopping .13 grams... but it busted the skunk!

Took the SDC for a swing in the rain today and scored first gold as well as some junk with the new machine. Learning the SDC language.post-702-0-46248200-1430104845_thumb.jpgpost-702-0-41252000-1430104847_thumb.jpg


The dime (2010) was the first target of the day.

The knife is an El Cheapo brand and will be relegated to utility status. 


I also did the head phone lead mod and it works like a charm. The stock Koss phones will now be back ups.

No looking back now. Thanks to everyone for all the tips and tricks for the SDC. Much appreciated. 



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Run your Threshold at the second mark and your sensitivity as high as you can. Here in Arizona I can usually only run it in 3 before it starts getting unstable.

I also found the coil cover collects a TON of dirt, it might have to do with the waterproof design for drainage. So I got creative with the skid plate tape and sealed mine up as best as I could.

I also have a B&Z Booster for mine because I'm kind of hard of hearing but they're really just made for running an external speaker. With headphones you have to play with the volume on the booster a lot and your headphone's volume to get rid of the background noise. Makes the Threshold nice and loud tho.

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I was looking for cooler country and found this area before I got there. Lots of lead as well. I left one hillside because of all the bird shot. At least I know the area hasn't been detected to death. Keep at it! You WILL beat the skunk!!



Can I just pop the skid plate cover off and clean it?

I found that I can sometimes run at #4 if I am willing to put up with a little noise. Threshold usually at #1 or #2. The ground I hunted yesterday was fairly mild so #4 Sens was o.k. but I like a stable threshold sound so I backed it down to #3.


Thanks and good luck!



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Thanks for the encouragement but the not so old detector isn't working right and hasn't since I got it end of March. What I thought was EMI is really my SDC just bugging out frequently. The hour run yesterday was a test where my Dad and I swapped SDC's for an hour and ran with same settings (3/3) since we got them at the same time. Within 5 minutes we both knew something was wrong with my unit. I couldn't believe how smooth and quiet his was and he was stunned that I had previously found gold with my unit because it just won't smooth out and is very frustrating to listen to for more than a few hours. I've emailed Chris over at AZO and will be getting him the unit to verify but will probably have to ship her out to Minelab. These things happen and it it's just the nature of electronics. I'll let you know how it plays it out. Good luck and happy hunting.

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Can I just pop the skid plate cover off and clean it?

I found that I can sometimes run at #4 if I am willing to put up with a little noise. Threshold usually at #1 or #2. The ground I hunted yesterday was fairly mild so #4 Sens was o.k. but I like a stable threshold sound so I backed it down to #3.

Thanks and good luck!


You can pop it off to clean it but when I did that on mine it kind of bent the cover out of shape so I just replaced it, then sealed the new one up with coil cover tape. Replacement coil cover was $20.

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Ti'ss Gold by God - WTG Dean!


Just back from my family trip and catching up - Stoked to see you beat the Skunk and didnt get sprayed. Lol

Right On - more to come!

Dentist drilling tomorrow and then gettn my new scoot on Wed. Then after 3 week hiatus - Chasing the yellow brick road this weekend!


Here's to many more pieces of gold in your poke,



Sad to here about your SDC issues Az - best of luck

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