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Everything posted by Roughwater

  1. Many thanks once again for your time and thought. Terry
  2. Thanks Steve for keeping us updated on the latest happenings in World of Detectors.
  3. Mike, Do you prefer the V3 over the V3i? Have you ever prospected with it or used it on a salt beach? Thanks.
  4. Really good to know. Do you run it a lot in all metal mode? Also I see your detector has heat shrink wrap tubing on it. You must not plan to remove that big coil for a while?
  5. Thanks again Argyle. Appreciate you passing on many years of knowledge with these machines to me/us. If I were to buy this model it could save me time and money in buying dud coils. So In the 18Khz you like the stock 9" coil But you like the 7.5 Khz freq the best. So did you find the 18khz freq useful for prospecting at all? What was your Favorite Freq and coil combo for 1 gram and under nuggets?
  6. I've been learning that Frequency isn't everything. The amount of energy the machine puts to the coil is also a big factor as is the size of the coil. By the time I get a detector I'll have Bachelors degree in Metal detectionology!
  7. Hey John, I watched that video. Pretty impressive indeed, especially for a 15Khz machine. Impressive how it handles the hot ground and impressive how sensitive it is to such small pieces of gold. I would expect that from a 50 Khz machine but not so much from a 15 Khz machine.
  8. I agree Steve, but I was 3/4 to crazy already so few would know the difference if I cross that border. So now I am off to Watch Utube videos and read reviews of the 705. Anyone know how they came up that that number? Terry
  9. I would not know were best to stay in the area but unless things have changed much of the Rye patch Reservoir area is public land meaning you can camp on it for a limited time or partake in any other legal recreational activities you just can't prospect on claimed areas. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on the right to camp there.
  10. Interesting Argyle, I'll look into it a bit this evening when I return home from work. Terry
  11. I tend to agree with you. For a long time earlier in my life I was very health oriented. I ran races, Biked in 200 mile tours, Ran Marathons, hunted and fished and watched what I ate. About 20 years ago I moved to the south. Most restaurants were all you can eat or Barbecue pork etc. I still ate pretty good. Then 8 years ago I met and married a southern lady. The last 5 years she has started getting heavy into baking a lot of cakes and other deserts. I have been going down hill ever since. I will give it a good shot at getting back to where I was but it won't be easy but I know it will make life easier if I do. Terry
  12. Ageing is a bit scary. I have always had a forgetful nature, I think a lot of it is that I have a one track mind but lately, I forget a lot more. I just hope for a few good years of retirement. Sometimes I wonder how medicare could be in trouble as I see so many pass before their time who have probably paid in all their life.
  13. No problem, I have gone back and forth several times considering the 3030 as I think it would serve me well near home. Maybe in a year I'll pick one up but there are new detectors in the works it appears so well see what kind of magic they bring.
  14. Aw, the gold Racer. Nice too. Could probably find some of those tiny nuggets the 14-15 Khz machines can't see or at least can't see as deep. That might keep me from being skunked some days if I had one. A little bit is better than no bit for sure. It should find bigger one's too just not as deep. But at this moment leaning toward the Racer 2 or the MXT pro. If the single freq detector I buy works OK at the beach then before I head out west there could be some cash left for a more dedicated VLF gold machine. If I bought the CTX though it would limit my funding much more.
  15. Do you have some idea of what depth it gets at the beach and what settings you use at the beach? Thanks Terry
  16. Yea I think there are plenty of places closer than the beach also. Just down the dead end road I live on there is an old brick small school torn down long ago. Few if any know it was ever there. Likely never detected and woods growing in the site. Yea I thought about many places closer to my home as well as the beach. As to the Second detector, I'm not sure which one you mean "The Racer 2" ? If so, I was kinda thinking that as well but I see the MXT Pro also as a proven solid choice. The Racer 2 however has the new model appeal with all the bells and whistles. Either one I think would serve me very well and could save me a bundle over some other machines I could buy. I am not sure
  17. You must love your wife a lot! I think some would say "Bye Honey". Seriously though that's a powerful statement. I know someone else at this site would would probably say the same thing. It's definitely a tried and true machine. What do you think about the sensitivity of the MXT to small nuggets and it's ability to be used as a beach detector or have you tried using yours at the beach? What detector do you mostly use at the beach? Thanks for your opinion. Terry
  18. Actually John said the above but he's totally right. I really do love the yellow metal. Bad thing is that I live less than 200 miles from the beach and close to 2000 miles from any gold field so I probably should have my priority set more for beach detecting as it's so much more accessible. Sadly, I don't look forward to the beach near as much as I do going out west. I think if I get a good beach machine though that could change some. Also, I won't be going west till sometime after Mid June but I will be at the beach before that so I will need a beach detector before anything else. My wife isn't real understanding about such things as me buying another detector let alone 2 more. I did have a thought though. Maybe I could buy her a nice Jewelry item and bury it in the yard. Then set a detector up, let her know I got her something and point her in the general direction and let her find it and dig it up? I am thinking that might help my cause?
  19. I'm in the same boat as you in that I'm looking or a beach detector. Only thing I can advise is that if your beach is as trashy as our NC beaches I would not go with a ATX or any PI detector. I have used them there a few times and it's futile as the amount of trash in the sand is enormous there. Bobby pins, screw caps, crushed cans, pull tabs and lots of iron at depth. So get a good discriminating VLF machine. However if your beaches are not trashy the ATX would be the ticket!
  20. Glad you are getting out and having fun and with a new, simple inexpensive detector. Nice choice. About another month to retirement then I can finally get out and play with my toy's, er at least after my honey-do list is done.
  21. Thanks SLGuin, If you can handle a CTX and didn't like the V3I I think that say's a lot and I don't say that in a negative way. I think I will scratch the V3I off my maybe to buy list. I see Steve posted too. Now that's a definite no for the V3I. Appreciate it Steve!
  22. Thanks John, this just the kind of info I'm looking for. Much appreciated. As to a gold machine I do have a GPX 5000 so part of my gold needs are covered already. I like your suggested detectors for gold for sure but not sure any cover the beach detecting, UNLESS, I can maybe put a large coil on say a MXT or a Racer 2 and get near the depth of a Multifrequency machine at my local beaches in NC. I understand they are not particularly mineralized but are certainly salt water. So maybe that would work but not sure? Wish I could rent one and run down to the beach as I certainly would. My need for a second machine needs to work for the beach and if used for prospecting needs to allow me to not have to dig a lot of trash. My need for a beach machine kinda complicates the issue. I had a thought to get older used Quattro for the beach but some I trust suggested a Safari or Etrac would work much better but also more dollars. So instead of a Minelab I thought maybe the V3I might be a usable substitute and save me money by not having to buy a 3rd detector though it would not be the perfect gold detector. I guess I could follow GLGuin's lead and get me a Gold detector that can also handle mild salt beaches and look for the little gold items that are missed by the other machines. Don't know what kind of depth I would get but if I had a gold machine already but I would give it a whirl. Like I said I don't see the V3I as a great gold machine but I couldn't see in my mind anything better for the money without having to buy that 3rd machine.
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