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  1. Hello, I'm new to the group and relatively new to Navada. Anyone have some starting tips for working the hills in Sothern Navada? Thanks, Chris
  2. Has, or does anyone detect or prospect near Tuscarora NV? I'm mainly wondering if it's all claimed up tight, or if there is still opportunity to do some prospecting in that area?
  3. Not a Sole to be seen! Granted the Weatherman was calling for Winds from a mild Cold Front moving in from the North East. Condor, gave me a call stating he was heading out for a Hunt, I gave him the Weather report for the area and a turn down to join. It brought mild rain to my area of Reno. The next day another Partner gave me a Call, I told him I’ll watch Weather and told him Condor was supposed to be out there. Weather Report was perfect, I text my Buddy…Hunt’s on and to met at the October Patch (a gold patch in Rye Patch) to setup Camp. Perfect weather, Cool and Sunny as I unloaded my RZR and remember all the Bullets of Sweat of the hot Discovery Day of the October Patch. My Trusty Hunting Partner pulled up and geared up as I text Condor asking his whereabouts! He called back and said, he headed back home after his day hunt with limited success. Again, not a Sole to be seen with the perfect Fall Weather! Giving it some thought of where to start on the drive up, I remembered this long Ridge that I found a Patch of Gold at both ends, but few nuggets in the middle. Both of us feeling fresh legged at the Noon Hour we set off to the ridge. I dropped my Partner off at the edge of the well hunted end of Ridge Patch and I’d pull up 1/2 mile with the RZR and start there and head up Ridge and then when he reach RZR he’d pull up 1/2 mile ahead of me and I’d repeat to end the days swing for the Missing Link Patch. Well I’m swinging away, enjoying myself when I feel my stomach telling me to refill it. I turn around to see where my Mobile Chuck Wagon was at! It was at least a Half Mile back and my Partner wasn’t in view below it. I swung back to the RZR, picking up one dink nugget that lead to another One Nugget Patch. Refueling my growler, my Partner comes screaming up the side of the Ridge, like he is running from a Mad Coyote that was chasing him. He had something in his hand, but his Smile gave it away at 20 yards! He plopped one of those Legendary Nuggets into my hand. My eyes and smile matched his! ? Both of us with filled stomachs drove back to his 8 Nugget Bonanza! A small drainage feeding off the ridge with a Dink Nugget at the head and a dink at the bottom lead him into the Flats between a distant Ridge. I’ve always considered this a No Go Zone as a No Gold Zone…as I’ve spent more than few hours in that Sage Brush with No Joy. We reach his Discovery Patch, in the Middle of Nowhere! 100 yards off our target Ridge. We named it “The No-Where Patch” right then and there. Partner, found the sweet spot of his Patch and I circled it like a hungry shark extending the perimeter. The No-Where Patch had two gaps that anyone could have swung a coil thru the middle of it without a clue of a missed Payday. The length of the Patch is around 30 yards and maybe 12 yards at the widest. We pounded it with our 6000’s and the next day I went over the sweet spots with a very slow swing with my 7000 with hopes of some deep missed ones, zero missed nuggets. Which indicates the vast majority of this Placer, shallow patches. We did pick up a few on the very outskirts of the No-Where Patch, which may lead to the next nugget patch yet to be named! Wore out, we headed home at sunset of the second day. Partner’s Big Boy at 1.6 ounces and his other big nugget to the right of that was a near 1/4 oz at 4.9 dwts. My Big one was 3.6 dwts on left. The High Plain Deserts still yield its treasures to the hungry seekers! Until the next Hunt LuckyLundy
  4. I took a trip out to Rye Patch last Wed. Packed the whole family, CEO and herd of Doodle Dogs, towing the 5th wheel toyhauler with RZR aboard. Weather was awesome on day 2, almost needed a hoody at sunup, but that changed quickly. Day 2 I did some quick recon with the 2 big Doodles riding shotgun. Clearly, Rye Patch had seen some significant rain in early June. The roads were rutted and the gullies showed a lot of erosion, with bedrock showing here and there. I detected some places that had produced gold in the past for no joy. The next morning my big Doodle dog was really feeling out of sorts from a recent vet procedure. We made an appointment for Fri morning, so that shut down my detecting. Fri, we hauled her to Fallon and got some medication, then opted to take the Boss and Doodle Dogs home to Fernley. I drove back out to Rye Patch Fri evening, leaving the Doodles and Boss at home. Turns out to be a good decision since the weather turned hot quickly. Sat morning I got out early and detected a long line of exposed bedrock. Since mine were the only boot tracks, I decided to cover a lot of ground looking for the sitting ducks from the recent erosion. Surprisingly, the freshly exposed bedrock was barren, but I managed to get the bigger nugget in a newly exposed cut in the gully side wall. It got hot by noon so I surrendered and sat out the heat in the trailer with generator going and air con on max. Afternoon cooled down some and I went back out to another gully with exposed bedrock. Again, nothing in the exposed bedrock, but I pulled 2 out of the freshly cut sidewall. Sun morning I was out early. No breeze and a promise early hot weather. I put in nearly 3 hrs of detecting exposed bedrock and fresh sidewalls with not much but trash. I did a complete loop, ending up back where I had found the nuggets yesterday. 10 ft from one of my dig holes I got a faint whisper of target tone. I should mention the atmospherics were jumpy and the 6k with 14x9 Coiltek was sparky, I lowered the Sens down to 5 and that seemed to help. The nugget was flat and way down in the bedrock. I'm glad I kept my Dave' Gold Australian pick which makes quick work of the soft bedrock. I was sweating buckets by the time I got the nugget out and decided to call it a trip. Rye Patch is a tough place to score nuggets these days. All the washes I was working have been detected 1000's of times. The freshly exposed bedrock was never all that deep so my only advantage was I was first to detect the newly exposed sidewalls. If you are planning a trip mind the weather, and as always it's a tire killer out there. I saw 2 trucks on the road fixing flats.
  5. Hi! I do a lot of driving for work and I would like to listen to some audiobooks to help enhance my knowledge of the geology prospecting in Nevada around the Reno area or Nevada in general. I just started listening to a book called basin and range. I searched and there's no books by Steve in there. Appreciate any leads. Thank you.
  6. I thought I'd pass on a bit more research ... Nevada’s missing treasures: train robbery loot, a legendary underground river and more (rgj.com)
  7. Recovering from a record breaking Winter of Snow, now we are suffering from near daily Rains. My Theory is there is so much moisture in the Sierra’s coupled with warm Spring days turns it into afternoon Thunder Storms. Anyway a person addicted to our hobby has to get out and search for their fix. This story is about my 3rd trip and just like the first two trips knowing that the ground was subpar for detecting…but, it’s the hunt and hunt we must! Met my Pard Lucky Larry out of Elko, NV we quickly hoped into my RZR and hit the trail. Notice I didn’t say Dusty Trail. We hit several old haunts with limited results at each. We ended up hunting some new ground, I dropped Larry off on one side of the hill and I drove over it to hunt the other side. Hour later, I went back to my RZR to pick up Larry and my trusty machine would not start! During the over a mile hike back to my truck, I figured it was my Fuel Pump…of course no Shade Trees out in the high Desert to confirm my diagnosis. Lucky I have a winch on my RZR as we would have never got her loaded up, didn’t bother trying to crank it before loading as I knew I’d need every bit of my battery to load it. It rained on and off as we drove back to camp and continued thru the night. Next morning we drove to a nearby patch and pulled a few more dinks before I loaded up and left with rain drops just starting to fall. Back home with my newly Amazon delivered fuel pump, I hoped in the bed of my truck where I left my RZR. Let’s see if the battery recharged itself, the sucker cranks up! I unload it and take it for a ride in the back 40. Cranked every time I turned it off too! Still no shade trees, but in my garage I thought maybe it was Vapor Locked? I read up on it and it’s not uncommon…so if you see my little Red RZR way out in no-man’s land laying in a puddle of oil, know I shed a tear! It’s Memorial Day and according to Weather report 3 more days of afternoon thunder storms. Rye Patch area will need a few dry days to get the ground settled down to hear them dinks, but there is always some shallow ducks to get your coil over until better conditions arrive! Here’s our loot for the day and a half trip…yes, my poke is on the left. Both Larry and I used the 10x5 Coiltek on our 6000’s…great coil. Until the next hunt! LuckyLundy
  8. Spent 16 days in Rye Patch area in Nevada recently using the 6000 for the first time in gold country. Found 3 small nugets the first day, one the second and one the third, this is going to be good! Ha, went dry for the next 10 days and finaly found 2 more day 14 then 1 more on day 15 for a total of 6.8 grams. Not a large amount but found nothing last year in 10 days so I at least beat the skunk. Had 2 days of beat-down rain and one day of un-bearable wind, several days of cold weather but the last 2 days were beautiful. Met a few good folks also prospecting, alwasys fun to talk with them about finding gold. Good luck to all in your search.
  9. Ok, spur of the moment decision. Erin and I have just decided to head to northern Nevada/ Winnemucca area for three or four days. Weather in Idaho sucks but might be ok to the south of us. Anybody want to meet up just to say hi?
  10. I'm planning a trip to the Rye Patch in Nevada this year. I have some questions regarding the area and usable detectors. 1) I understand that there is a split of ownership between BLM and a railroad. Is it OK to detect on the railroad's land? 2) I understand some of the BLM land has claims on it which one should respect when detecting. How do you know where the claims are? 3) Is there a readily available map of the area showing the claims and coordinates? 4) How is the mineralization? Do you have to use a PI or can a good VLF be just as effective? Put another way, if you could only bring one detector, which would it be? Thanks! George in Oregon
  11. Spent my last good detecting trip with friends for 4 days before driving out to Rye Patch proper and proceeded to give a gold detector class to 12 lucky folks. This will be my last trip down there for 2022 and I wanted to give an update and share some finds. 1st things was good to see Lundy parked at an old patch scuffing up with few nuggies. He sure talks highly of the 10" Ellip GOLD-HAWK coin on the end of his GPX-6000 and even showed me the proof. He's a pretty good hunter ol Lundy, so please don't expect to get same results as he. I think he had at least a half dozen nuggies sitting on it tailgate. Now is our turn. With the weather turning cold on us we had to bundle up pretty well, but it was the winds that was most annoying. Headphones were a must and you still needed a hat over those just to cut out the whistling from the headphone frames. Guess what I found out during this. Those earbud around the neck things Doc sells sure make a difference on hearing but not so much on keeping the ears warm. We woke up to 2 days of fresh snow early in the week and decided not to drive very far off the main roads. It was voted on and accepted that we stay in phone range and so we hunted for old coins/relics/do-dads. I enjoy these kinds of multi hunt trips and NNV is such a perfect area to do so as there are many towns, camps, stops along the highway and also a few small picker nugget patches not that far from there as well. 1st site produced 2 coins and a couple tokens. My brother banged the 1st one an 1909-S Barber dime and then backed that up with an 1884 IH cent. Pic of the dime. I had not even got on the board yet and little brother is making me feel old. Funny how things come full circle in life. At once I was the top dog detectorist of us two and it seems the last few yrs, he’s been outdoing me. Anyway. I sniffed out an interesting oblong piece of brass and can read “2 for 25 Cent on it. Not sure what it is as there is no name to associate. I did score two tokens and think one of them could be a collectors piece. The DEWY BAR of Salt Lake City UT, Good for 5 cent (below) The other one STEVENS & JOHNSON from National NEV from the Ice Palace SALOON for 12 ½ cents. (see below) I actually enjoy tokens more than coins as they have more history behind them. Then I stumbled across a really interesting coin, a US 2 Cent Copper dated 1876. That was my highlight coin for the trip, heck actually my best for the year. My brother managed a V nickel and an 1887 Seated Dime as well. One of the most unique digs was a ramrod guide from an 1800’s rifle. My big silver of the trip was a 1920 Walking Half Dollar just a scuff under the dirt. Not sure how this was missed by so many people as the site gets detected all the time. An interesting pic for you all to figure out what that cement looking thing is. Funny I have seen them before but never up close. Anyone know? Now lets get to the gold the stuff this forum is best at. One day of no rain/snow we drove out to Sawtooth and 3 of us hunted over half the day. 2 small dinks with the 6000 is all we were able to round up mostly because of trying to find a new patch. We know when looking for new gold areas, the chances of success go down drastically. But thats' also how you can stumble across a new site. After that, we boogied back to camp at Rye Patch proper. We had 30 minutes of light and so why not. I grab a detector and 4 targets later I have 3 dinks stuck under my lip. Man it’s funny how camp and the burn barrel just keep on giving. Problem is they just get smaller and smaller each year. Many people always say, "never leave gold to find gold". That's exactly how this day went. 2/3rd a day for 2 small pickers and 30 minutes at a known site for 3 dinks (pic below). The 3 on the coin came from Rye Patch proper. The class had a fantastic group of hard core wannabees. Even with the weather in the 30’s these troopers just kept on absorbing knowledge from staff and I. Gold started to get found on Saturday and by Sunday most students actually had great focus and nuggets were starting to pop. I think be the time it was all said and done, we ended up with a dozen pieces of gold and 5 or 6 smiling faces. It just amazes me how fast most folks can dial in their detectors/skills when around a few Field Experts for a few days. That’s exactly why we offer what we do. Below 3 pics is a customer from CA and his 1st Rye Patch, NV gold with his GPZ-7000 and small X coil. A customer from Idaho using an SDC-2300 found a picker and then after class scooped up 3 or 4 more. ( I guess the class did him well.) see his 2 pics below. Another CA guy with his GPX-6000 and the GOLDHAWK Coil. He was the gold hawg of the trip as I think his total ended up at half a dozen. Below 4 he found while I was there. Lunk was able to share his knowledge with the group before heading south to warm weather land. He grabbed an Axiom just to show it around and in the few minutes of swinging he does what Lunk does best. (below pic) I’m sure Lunk is down there in AZ right now charting his next desert hunt and ready to count his gold. One of the things we’ll offer our customers this winter is to get up with Lunk for a 1 day 1 on 1. In times past we have not really shared this as it’s time for Lunk to find gold or meteorites to help him get through the winter. Because we have a good number of folks who want to do training in AZ during the winter and they don’t click well in large groups, we decided to offer the 1 on 1 or 1 with a couple option. Lunk will be offering 2 types of training days. 1 for finding gold with your detector and the other for finding meteorites with your detector. Contact me for more details and we’ll go from there. That's it this year for Rye Patch, NV and possibly even here in Idaho as we still have snow on the ground from a week ago. I'll be updating my website Calendar of Events for 2023 after the 1st week of Jan. In the mean time, check out a few new videos on my website www.gerrysdetectors.com and then click on Videos. Time to start selling the Axiom and getting ready for a warm weather hunt. Keep in low and swing it slow...the detector you goof.? Gerry
  12. Australia gets all the glory and headlines for big gold and well earned. But what about our fine "Silver State" (yes Nevada is called the silver state), do we have big gold? My personal best solid nugget is 3/4 ozt so nothing compared to others I've seen. Now you want to talk about some of my friends and or customers finds and they go up into the multi ounces. 6 oz in the middle. Nevada is also known for some really good specimen gold. My PB is this about a 1 pounder (a mouthful). I've seen some whoppers much better and better though. Below is a boulder of 80 pound. And they were deep too. Found using either a 20" or a 25" coil, I can't remember. There has also been a few really nice patches found by my guys and I was lucky enough to get a few pics. Would enjoy seeing others pics and or stories.
  13. Just getting caught up and returning from Rye Patch NV and the 3 Days Field Training class my Staff/I offered. Even though I stress to folks that finding gold is not the most important part of the class. The 3 days with my Field Staff/I is really all about knowledge and how much of it you can retain. But the feeling of a rattler in the bottle makes for a better ride home. With the drier soil conditions and the majority of customers using the newest technology detectors, we were able to have a very high gold nugget count. In fact, this is one of the most Successful 3 days trips I have held in the last 5 or 6 yrs. Approx 40 nuggets were recovered by the group as a whole. Yes we had and always do have a few who did not go home with a nugget. As I feel, that’s really not as important as going home with detector knowledge. Part of the training is to compare undug targets with the different detectors in the class so we all get to see, hear and learn from those rare opportunities. When you get to swing your own detector over the spot and hopefully hear the signal, you start the process of building confidence in your detector and your coil control to get optimum signal response. On occasion we find some model of detectors do not do as well as others and that is knowledge gained, even though sometimes hard to swallow. The best wow target was approx. 10” depth and found with a GPX-6000. From the surface none of the VLF’s could hear it, the GPX-5000 did not, as well as the GPZ-7000’s. After 2” removed, the GPZ still had issues. 2 more inches removed and the ZED gave a dirty signal (kind of like a small piece of wire), but the 6000 was just simple loud and clear. At about 6” depth the VLF heard it but their target ID read IRON. (realize every detector on the market has a max depth of proper ID before the system is unreliable). Finally at 8” the NOX had proper ID of a non ferrous target and we were all getting excited expecting the customer to score his 1st Rye Patch nugget. Well you know gold hunting, it turned lead. The most nuggets recovered were by 2 of the repeat customers. One of them has been on top of the technology change and realizes the importance of hunting the old sites with the newest machines for best chance of success. He shed the weight of the GPZ-7000 to shine with the new lighter GPX-6000 and his efforts were golden. The other (his hunting buddy) stepped up from an SDC-2300 to the 6000 and this was his best trip to RP ever. Just goes to show those old patches can still produce nuggets if you have the new GPX-6000 in your hands. We had 2 hard chargers in the class (GPX-5000 and a GPZ-7000) that went home with plenty of knowledge and education, but did not find a NV nugget. I’m not saying those models of detectors are no good, but just realize this is Rye Patch, the same area hunted with every PI since the early 90’s. The good thing for these customers of those models, my staff/I were able to shine light on when we’d be using some of the features/capabilities of those model of detectors. The GPX-5000 has IRON ID capabilities for trash areas and the GPZ-7000 can find the biggest of gold at near 4’ depth. The dangers of Rye Patch are still there. 4 flat tires that I am aware of, 1 dead battery on a truck and a caved in tent from the high winds. The snakes are out and the Mormon crickets were on the move. If you are going to go. I highly recommend for those who are not familiar with Rye Patch to check in at Gold Digger Saloon. Danny, the owner has some of the better ground (claims) that have not been hunted as hard as the surrounding area. I think he charges $20 or $25 for a day which is pretty reasonable. The best part is you get a map so you know where you are and not on any others persons claim. If you enjoy Pizza, they absolutely have the best pizza and coldest beer around. Summery of the weekend. Older model detectors don’t stand much of a chance when compared to the new. Still a few nuggets left, but they are getting smaller and fewer. Even if you have a new detector, if you don’t know what you are doing, the deck is stack against you at Rye Patch. The lake is gone…it dried up. One of my Staff said it best. Cell phone = detector. Who owns a 10 yr old cell phone and goes to Rye Patch and expects to find gold. Pics are of my customers and some of the Rye Patch gold success/smiles shared.
  14. https://minerals.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/mineralsnvgov/content/Programs/Mining/MiningForms/MM2020_p032_text.pdf 28 page pdf Nevada mine address contact directory 2021 https://dir.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dirnvgov/content/News/2021 Mine Directory complete.pdf
  15. Had a great time metal detecting for gold nuggets with Steve Herschbach and Steve Freeman (Condor) over the weekend of April 8-10th. We camped out for 2 nights and for the most part the weather was great. Sunday morning was in the teens. But we packed up and got out early due to some mechanical issues with Steve (Condor)'s truck. I can't thank them enough for the great time and conversations. They are both a wealth of knowledge and experience. I had a truck load of metal detectors packed with me which included the the GPX 5000, Equinox, Deus 1, Deus 2 and Legend. But got a surprise when Steve Herschbach insisted I use his GPX 6000 to ensure I would find gold. So he used the 7000 and Steve Freeman and I used 6000's most of the time. We all found gold and that made the trip even more enjoyable. But honestly I could have found nothing and been perfectly content just getting out with them. Over the course of the 2 days I found 13 nuggets ranging from 1 gram down to pinhead sized nuggets, total of 3.2 grams. Some of you are going to laugh, but that's the most gold I've ever found in a weekend. I did some gold hunting 15 years ago in Lost Basin AZ when we had property down there and I could walk across the street and pick up a nugget here and there. And more recently using the Deus 1 with the HF coils to snag a small nugget here and there in Gold and Lost Basin. So most of my experience has been with AZ. I would assume the success I saw this weekend can be attributed the detector used, location and expert advice. So I thank you again Steve and Steve. Below are some pictures of the gold I found and a video (Day 1) if your interested in watching, I'll post day 2 video later. Hopefully Steve and Steve will chime in with some thoughts and pictures of their nuggets.
  16. Having moved to Northern Nevada, I’ve gotten use to a chilly Winter temperatures. I will say, I enjoy the Chill vs Heat any day! This year we had the wettest December ever in Reno and then January the driest on record. About mid January a Buddy dropped me a message to hit a spot he just had some luck at in the Rye Patch area. Thinking I’m a smart prospector Robin and I, scheduled new floors to be installed that week, plus Robin’s Birthday is at the end of January! Well the floors look great in the House and 4 days to celebrate Robin’s Birthday left me the last day in January to make the hunt happen. I arrived to our hunting area at a Balmy 41 degrees at 10 Am. Met up with prospecting Buddy Larry and he showed me the spot of his 7 nugget patch. He pointed to a spot 1/4 mile away that he got 3 nuggets at late last year. That’s all the info I need and started the grind to establish a patch or run of nuggets to a new patch. Didn’t take long as we both scored color. We ended the first day with some nice nuggets with Larry scoring a 2.8 dwt’er. Next morning at 19 degrees we hit it again. I scored 4 more and Larry got 2 more nuggets before we called it with no glory patch at both ends of the 1/4 mile run of nuggets. It’s a large area and we’ve found gold close by. So this hunt will continue…but there are so many other spots to find gold at! Until the next Hunt. LuckyLundy
  17. First off I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and 2022 is full of outdoor detecting adventures that exceed your wildest expectations. I personnaly can't get out enough and when I do frankly a loser day is a winner for me.....of course a few nuggets will make it even better! I'm tossing out to the readers a location I found about a year ago. It's very unmentioned on the web and pretty much anywhere. The townsite of Saint Marys outside of Imlay NV. It's on the banks of the Humboldt River. Only one stone foundation still around. This location is commemorated with a trail marker on the California Emigrant Trail. When detecting I found and unbelievable cache of boot tacks. A saucer, square nail and a small intact perfume bottle. I was using my now in mothballs Whites DFX 300. I can't blame the equipment I'm new to detecting. I plan to go back with my Gold Bug and see if I can find more than boot tacks. The reason I'm posting this is.....does anyone have any information about this townsite? Have a safe New Years to all.
  18. Well my staff/I just finished the season and wrap up of field training for 2021 and our customers...and boy did it go out with a bang and big belly's thanks to Chef Rusty Bucket. Smoked ribs, Bourbon shrimp in garlic sauce, berry pie and ice cream, smoked Brisket, bacon wrapped stuffed jalapenos and more. Wish I would have taken more pics of the food. As I have said before, the food/drinks/people are part of why I enjoy these trips, as I know the gold will eventually come. As many know, Gerry’s Detectors has been training out there at the burn barrel with a few different staff members since the 90’s. We have been using just about every model of gold detector from the top manufactures as well as coils to see what the best results are. The comparisons of customers detectors continue to see the improvements of technologies and capabilities which is what we want. Yes there are times a more expensive detector may not produce the best signal response on that particular targets, but it’s what it is and part of learning. Some of what we found most amazing and it’s exactly what I expected would happen during the training at RP. The gold nuggets being found during the 3 days of class was the most of any session in at least 5+ yrs. More people went home with actual Rye Patch gold than what my staff/I have witnessed in quite a long time. The knowledge shared was the same stuff we always go over, but the knowledge retained was higher. The class size is usually around the same, but the amount of golden smiles of success was better than many yrs prior. We know the VLF detectors when fit with small coils are going to find a few pickers, but to see the bigger PI machines perform so well and produce such higher %’s of beautiful NV gold was most impressive. So lets go over it again to see what my Staff/I observed, in no particular order. Knowledge of customers detectors was actually retained, smiles of happy customers making the right choice of detectors, the amount of successful customers who went home with gold and the overall numbers of gold nuggets dug by the students. There is one thing that I corollate all these positives and it’s the new GPX-6000, period. Yes we had SDC-2300’s, GPZ-7000, GPX-5000’s and the usual VLF’s in the class being learned by the students and those who were there with the GPX-6000 had the most Success. But the success of gold nugget finds was just part of the fun. Ease of operation and simplicity we’ve never seen from a PI Minelab was also most impressive. The customers were actually not afraid of their detectors. They didn’t worry if the timing and or sequence of adjustments was correct, as the GPX-6000 is pretty much a turn on and go. The old way, a big multi page instruction manual (is missing) and now we get a 3 step Quick Start…and it’s true. 1) Turn On. 2) Raise/Lower Coil for 10s, 3) Begin Detecting. Are you kidding me, no way that can’t be true. We just paid $6000 for one of the latest technology fine tuned gold detectors in the world and all we get in the box to help learn, is 3 short steps with a combined total of 10 words? Well folks, it’s all true and so is the amount of happy customers who invested in our training and the new GPX-6000. If anyone thinks there was some other reason for the above, please chime in as all indicators are bulls eyed at the GPX-6000. Overall the trip went exceptionally well consider the 100 yr rain storm that came through while we were down there. I still love the natural beauty of Northern NV in the fall and the colors on the gold nuggets we dug. Hopefully the Spring/Summer class will be just as productive with a group of new enthusiastic customers and more gold being unearthed.
  19. I purchased the GPX 6000 from @Gerry in Idaho a few months back and had only taken it out once for about 45 minutes and had to put it away because it was screaming at me due to iron scattered everywhere. Fast forward to this past weekend, I went down to Rye Patch to @Gerry in Idaho's training to really get out and try this thing out. I ended the trip with 8 pieces totaling 3.7 grams, cleaned. The biggest piece was pretty cool so I am including pictures of both sides of that one, 1.5 grams cleaned. All 8 were found right around the burn barrel area. Thank you to Gerry and all of his staff for a great time and knowledge! @Lunk @afreakofnature and the rest of the team.
  20. Rye Patch is a scenic area (for its own reasons), this time of yr. If you can catch warm Temps in 60s, no wind, and sunny days, it doesn't get much better. Add the chance to cross paths with some DP members makes it even better. A few other things allowing an adventurous trip, a hairy legged tarantula, some more intricate nuggets and always a handful of lucky crystals. I have been blessed so far with all. Including chatting with members, Condor, Bill in CO, Chet and Tom from CA., and today hopefully a few others. Memories to add to my scrapbook.
  21. Early wet Weather in Northern Nevada, sure messed up a few of my hunts! But, this last Hunt was called Rain or Shine! Be there or miss out with the original hunting party. We had half the amount of coils on the ground during this hunt and managed to find a few sweet spots of dinks to add to our pokes. Rain on us with snow in the ground 200’ above us all 4-Days! 6000, Retune Button got a workout. I kept the 11” Mono on. Tried the DD for a few hours with no luck, don’t know if the ground and line I took was bad, but the guys behind me where finding nuggets…so back to the 11”. My truck is out in the drive way in the wet Weather still loaded up with me gear! Getting wet again to unload it, I can’t wait ? Until the next Hunt! LuckyLundy
  22. We had a 3 party hunt scheduled Condor, LuckyLarry and myself. I set sail East Bound and down on I-80 to Rye Patch from Reno. I texted the Boyz and received a text back from Condor that his Truck was sick and couldn’t make this trip! Well just meant more Rib Eyes on my dinner plate! LuckyLarry, was on his way from Elko to Rye Patch and the timing was perfect he followed me in to our camp site! Temperature Gauge was a solid 97 at the 3 O’Clock hour. Larry, hunted out here in the Hey Days of Rye Patch. He was just learning Gold Detecting back then and scored many nice nuggets! But, ended up being a Top Notch Relic Hunter. That’s how we met. We met on the Internet with me needing some old Relic’s ID. He was my go to guy to tell me the history of anything I’d dig up in the Goldfields of California. Of course, I avoided these extra trashy old camp sites and would pass the location to Larry for his Relic hunts when he traveled to California. We set up camp and hopped into my RZR Buggy into the heat to swing our 6000’s on my old patches. Finding left over nuggets that our older models missed, but the heat! Had to hit a 100 before some clouds moved in to cool things down! Them clouds had rain and in front of them was the wind. Headed back to Camp to beat the rain, as I left my Trucks Windows half open which was the way the wind and rain was blowing in. Made it back to camp wet Windows up with a gust of wind that had to be over 50 mph. Well early to bed with showers on and off and the next morning with more rain to heavy to detect in which gave us time to eat some cookies and for me to remember where some more old patches where at to swing on. Gone for 4-Days with 2 1/2 days of good detecting! We ended up with 20 Dinks each! Two Lucky ? guys with plenty of smiles for our efforts fighting Mother Natures last blasts of Summer! I figure I’m now about 80% done with having the 6000 over our old patches in Rye Patch. I’m sure we left gold in the patches we hunted for further visits…never can get them all and every day is a different day! Until the next Hunt! LuckyLundy
  23. It's been drizzling all day, now turned to heavy rain and thunder. If you're planning a trip out here plan accordingly.
  24. The weather may have turned for the better in Northern Nevada. It was time to get out and check how my GPZ 7000, would handle the moisture/salt from the Winter Storms. I pulled into the Burn Barrel to camp, but it was like pulling into a KOA. I unloaded my trusty RZR and hit the trail to find a nugget. I ran into several folks out trying their luck, all had smiles on their faces and enjoying our outdoor hobby. I was told that Gerry was having his training at the Burn Barrel which explained the crowd of RV’s. I did get time for a short visit with Gerry and Lunk, before heading out. The soil, is a little noisy with High Yield/Normal. Using Difficult settled it down perfectly, but not my preferred setting for dink nuggets. Anyways, I hunted in Normal and ground balanced often to give my ears a rest from the noisy ground. I didn’t find any dink nuggets which are the Bread & Butter to any poke, but did find a couple of Steak & Lobster nuggets before loading up and heading home from the short Dirt Recon Trip. There’s gold out there, you just need to get your coil over it, I need some Bread & Butter Nuggets to complete my meal. Talking about meals, my Dog Marley refused to eat his normal dog grub on this trip, and only wanted what I brought “Fried Chicken”. Until the next Hunt! LuckyLundy
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