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Everything posted by PSPR

  1. Minelab would love it if everyone replaced their 800 with a 900, ordered a Manticore and saved up enough money to buy the new CTX 4040 that's coming. I think I will just stick with my Legend and Manticore when it arrives. I've only got two arms to swing these toys.
  2. Gerry, you will let us know when you track down where those Manticores for the U.S. market are at, won't you? I can imagine my little Manticore as it rides heavy seas in the Pacific Ocean wondering if it will ever make it to its new home in Texas. The 40 foot container holds him and many other little Manticores all wondering if they will make it to their new homes in a distant land. Or will their container simply slide off the back of the ocean going transport in stormy seas to be lost forever.
  3. Where are the U.S. Manticores? On a slow boat from Singapore or Malaysia? Has anyone seen one yet or know how close they are? I hope it isn't like ordering something from Asia on Amazon. That often can take one to two months.
  4. Someone will run a test on those little wadded up or folded up pieces of aluminum foil we all find. Those are worse than pull tabs. Sometimes my pinpointer says there is a little piece right there and I still can't see it.
  5. I hope Nokta doesn't go out of business. The competition spurred the creation of the Manticore and new Equinox models. Plus I, and many others here, have a Legend in our stable of detectors and would rather the company stick around even though we have ordered Manticores.
  6. First video of the Manticore tested on aluminum foil.
  7. Maybe you could have someone make an extended lower rod.
  8. Maximum Extended length of the Manticore is 1440 mm / 56.7 inch
  9. Just a couple weeks ago it looks like Minelab sued Nokta for patent infringement. https://dockets.justia.com/docket/pennsylvania/pawdce/3:2022cv00211/293964
  10. Now, if we could just get our hands on the detector!
  11. OK then. I guess no one in the states has received a Manticore they ordered,
  12. Here is a Manticore park hunt video. This guy seems to be just learning TID's so I'm guessing he is NOT a Minelab tester, yet he has a Manticore in hand!
  13. Oddly, they haven't announced a release date for the Manticore or the two new Equinox's. Gerry says the Manticore isn't even in the U.S. yet. Even though Minelab says they have shipped this week. I guess once again we are back to in-limbo. But, there is a user on the facebook Manticore user page that says his dealer says he has been alotted 18 units in the first shipment which are on the way to the distributor. We'll see.
  14. Lots of videos from Manticore testers popping up on YouTube now. It seems Minelab has released them to discuss the Manticore as of December 1st. Also, it seems they are shipping the Manticore without a manual. There is no PDF manual posted on their website either.
  15. They made their November target (or so they say) so, I hope they are shipping enough by air to fill the initial already-paid orders. If dealers get 1 or 2 and the rest by slow-boat there are going to be some very unhappy customers. Remember this ad they ran?
  16. Good to know you aren't just heading south to play while customers wait and wait. Mine will come directly from the distributor so maybe I'll get mine sooner than many. I'll be sure to let everyone here know when it ships so you know they are at the distributors. Of course, that assumes I even get one in the first shipment.
  17. The Dec. 1st announcement is scheduled for 3:30 PM CST. There is supposed to be a link on the Minelab Facebook Webpage to join a live cast. I don't see it there yet. https://www.facebook.com/MinelabMetalDetectors
  18. Gerry is going to Mexico with the first Manticore he gets. I hope he is leaving someone in the office to ship out YOUR Manticore to you, strick!
  19. Wow! That's like visiting a website that hasn't been software/design updated in 20 years.
  20. Oh, I get it now, jasong. supernova flotsam = Gold
  21. Yes, NAGANT, that video does show good target separation. I don't understand why the French video instead just showed an elongated coin signal. Maybe I just couldn't see the screen well enough in that video as GB_Amature said. But we'll be able to test that ourselves soon. In that video, NAGANT, at about the 18 minute mark Debbie shows the General settings and there is a setting to reject trash. The icon for that is a pull tab. I'm wondering how that is going to work. Is it going to reject just about all gold, too? Or have they narrowed the aluminum reject to be selective enough to let most gold items in? I'm very interested in the Manticore ability with that. Yesterday I was at a tot lot with the Legend and I pulled a bag full of aluminum foil and pull tabs out of that lot. I would have preferred to be able to pass over much of that, if possible without great jewelry loss.
  22. I don't know if they increased or changed the DD windings but they said in other videos that they reinforced the coil so when you bump it the ID numbers and sounds don't start jumping around like they do with some other detectors. Maybe the additional power of the Manticore made it more susceptible to bumping and that is also why they reinforced the coil.
  23. From what I understand, the Target Trace shows all targets regardless of the notching. However, the notching creates gray areas in the Target Trace which silences the detector but the TT image is still there.
  24. There is a new video out this morning on the Manticore. It is mostly Mark Lawrey in France with a dealer and the dealer is translating/explaining the settings in French. You can turn on closed captions and set it to English if you want to follow along with the French guy. What is interesting in this video is that they take the Manticore into a field and test it on some coins dropped on the ground. But, at about the 17 minute mark, when they drop a coin and, I believe, an iron nail about 3" apart, the Manticore DOES NOT display it as two targets. Instead it shows just one elongated target on the Target Trace. I don't know if this is an old video from the European tour or if they sent Lawrey back to Europe for this video or something else.
  25. OK. I deleted the video. Don't want anyone to get duped.
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