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This little thing actually kills it!

My cousin and I have been using the pulse dive in salt water exclusively and although it has a small coil, the ability to swing this thing like mad hugely make up for that fact!

So far I’ve found the design/ quality of the PulseDive to be very ideal for salt water hunting.  The machine simply beeps and buzzes in your hand, is easily audible  through the water and there is practically no maintenance other than just cleaning the rubber seal/gasket every now and then but there is no knobs, cables, headphones or anything that I can see deteriorating on this detector.

Depth is definitely surprising when digging targets but still decent in air tests with a nickel/10c Aussie coin hitting at 4” air test and depending on minerals in the sand it’ll hit deeper 5-6” even due to its non-motion nature.

Anyone who wants to try water detecting I highly recommend trying the PulseDive, the small size and lack of headphones make it ridiculously convenient and even stealthy if you want to be discrete or are a bit shy! 

This isn’t really a review but just a quick mention of what I think is important to know about the machine ?

Here is the gold we’ve found on the last few outings ??? 

Pulsedive Scuba Detector & Pinpointer



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Has Nokta set up a decent dealer in NZ yet?

There is a dealer in Brisbane you could get one off in person which is about 50km’s away from GC? 

It’s so cool, you can just look like you are going for a snorkel and the black one is super stealth.

I HIGHLY recommend you get some kind of weight system before trying, it’s 100% a requirement for water detecting IMO.

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Ok sweet sounds like a plan, it’s pretty basic really.

If you want to pull off 3+ hours you will need a wetsuit even at the Gold Coast over summer I think so a 3mm spring suit would be what I’d go for.

When using a wetsuit you need a little extra weight but a 3mm spring suit shouldn’t be too buoyant. 
If you are going in to surf you will need more weight again but I’d try to avoid any surf where possible as it’s a lot lot harder than it looks ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love the gold!    I wish they would make a simple little discriminating one for fresh water.   I could use something like that!


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