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My 3 Days In Arizona

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Yes, there is gold out there for me if I get to the right places.  The coil has performed well in my book.  I have no problems with it.

As I 'reflect' on this trip again I didn't stick with my plan.  I hunted one spot for about 2 hours and also tried new spots for about 4 hours and then meteorites but too much time was spent exploring (driving).  That is what I would do differently if I had the trip to do over again.

Day trips are my real future for a while.


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I should add that I was with someone and we enjoyed the exploring for reasons of future hunts.  You have to get off the beaten path once in a while also.

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Sounds like a successful trip Mitchel.... thanks for the post. If you or anyone else has found small iron like meteorites in Gold Basin, that look and act just like a Franconia iron, do not toss them, thinking this is not a typical Gold Basin Meteorite, as they are a pretty rare type of stony iron meteorite called a Mesosiderite. Myself and others have been finding them over the years, and mapping them. They scream on the detector, and snap to a magnet just like a Franconia Iron. Jim Kriegh, the founder of Gold Basin meteorites found and classified the first one in Gold Basin, as you can see from the metbul. 


Gold Basin Mesosiderite Possible 2.jpg

Meso Closeup.jpg

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