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Equinox 800 For Gold? How Stupid....

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1 hour ago, Gerry in Idaho said:

RickUK,  I have some customers that are pretty beat up and the one thing we really like is the Swing Arm off of a GPZ-7000.  I sell so many of those and if you swing an SDC-2300, the Swing Arm is a must.  Now some of my staff are also really big on the Hip Stick my buddy Chris in NV sells.  I even seen the folks on Gold Show using them.

Steve H.  Funny you feel the 24K has the same advantages I do as I had said some of those things in my reply to Dances with Doves a few minutes after your post.  Any YES Minelab is really missing the boat with a 10" Ellip DD coil or even a smaller 6" Ellip DD, but I know most folks would prefer the 10" Ellip. 

Trevor at CoilTek….Help us out.  I promise it will outsell the SDC coils.

Gerry,i forgot to mention that i do own and use a Hipstick as well especially on say a big heavy rig like a TDI Pro with a 20'' Mono,so thanks for that suggestion about the Swing Arm.

In one of your other posts you mention about using the Horseshoe on 'most' of the time with a decent threshold as well,that is also what i found was deadly on the Equinox as well.

Thanks again for your tips and tricks.


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You know...... I was thinking about adding a 24k to my collection but at this point 2 things prevent it.

1. I just don't get out enough to justify the purchase and...

2. You just made a very good argument about the NOX capabilities.... Why spend 800 for the 24k a single use machine when I could get a true multi use machine that so nearly matches the performance of the 24k for the same money.....

I like to get the best bang for the buck so I have to admit it will have to be a NOX when I get ready to make the move.....

That is a tough admission for a dyed in the wool White's guy........


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6 hours ago, johnedoe said:

That is a tough admission for a dyed in the wool White's guy........


Johndoe,  My family and I were "the White's Family" back in the 70's and most of the 80's, but as a true MD'erist I have to keep an open mind to the competition and what they are making.  So many folks wear blinders when it comes to metal detectors because they had success with a certain brand in yrs past.  Those folks are really missing the boat when it comes to new technologies and their old hunted sites are really not producing for them.  Now if they try something different and new, they might actually enjoy the hobby even more.  The downside is that you could have to make yourself learn something different and new.  I know for older guys, we are the hardest to accept change as we certainly get caught in our old habits.  I just hope White's does indeed come out with something special soon so they can keep their loyal customers happy.  I am actually a 24K fan and it is my favorite "Gold Only" VLF detector, but the NOX can do more, is software downloadable and 100% waterproof (just to name a few features the 24K is missing).  When the time is right to get that NOX or 24K, I'm here to earn your business.  Realize, not only will you get some great knowledge from me of the different styles of hunting, but my Staff and I do the 3 days Field Training sessions at Rye Patch, NV and Eastern Oregon.

gold (2).jpg

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One of the things that helped me decide to go NOX when the time comes is the integrity and help that I find on this forum.

Steve has done a fantastic job putting this together ... His knowledge and helpfulness is a rare commodity.

Also I find you to be in the same category Jerry, Your knowledge and willingness to share your knowledge is commendable and appreciated.

All the best to you and Steve ... Stay healthy 

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Thanks so much for this write up on the Nox. Its given me a real enthusiasm to get out and try mine a lot more. The first time i used it i hated it but with some wise words from Steve H about lowering the sensitivity until i got the hang of the machine I’ve begun to like it a lot.

Until now I have only got it out when at a caravan park to scab up some coins around my campsite. I think i might just get myself a few new coils and a swing arm and start actually using it more now. 

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