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Latest News On Impulse AQ Availability & Testing

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The whole thing is much simpler than the complex stuff which goes on behind the curtain in most modern VLF machines. Most of the controls adjust a single variable. Having said that, one adjustment might effect the performance in a way that necessitates the adjustment of another control to some extent, but nothing like the complex juggling of lots of internal parameters which we have become used to in recent times.

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This thing has moved pretty rapidly from proven design to ready to market hardware 

Pretty rapidly if you are comparing it to the rate of Greenland glaciers melting (even at today’s rates)

It has taken FOREVER - three years ago I expected it in a year - hell, the boss at FTP - Tom Walsh, probably expected it two years ago.

It ain’t HERE yet. It’s close, but even now if you listen closely you can hear the grinding of millions of tons of ice moving over granite bedrock.

Kidding? Sure, but - it’s a whole new world for Fisher and there are being VERY careful.

Problem is - one of their marketing guys tipped off some blabbermouth PI enthusiast on the forums three years ago and  now we re all sick of hearing about it.

P.S. Guilty as charged.

COVID19 has added to Fisher’s burdens in getting these ready to sell. They were shut down by mayor’s orders and are now only allowed 25% manning. Since the majority of their workforce is comprised of El Paso residents of Latin American extraction, and since COVID19 seem to be hitting Latin American families pretty hard, it is not unlikely that it could touch Fisher as well.

This whole thing is putting me - once again - in the position of being (rightfully) expected to know what is going on. As of this Friday morning, I can truthfully say that I do not entirely know the status of the ongoing production of the AQ or what Fishers plans are for marketing it - wish I did - it would spare me a good deal of potential and actual embarrassment.

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