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 I have been informed by Laura at Detectnicks that the wireless headphone module is not approved for U.S. Sale.  Any headphone recommendations ? The At Pro headphones hurt my ears after an hour or so. My buddy says it due to my big Irish lugs!!  I've been looking at Grey Ghost ,Jolly Rodgers and others but have no experience with them. The manual suggests running volume at max while controlling overall volume from the phones, I assume this maximizes audio amps sensitivity to small signals.

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The wireless module has a standard for use in Europe ... in this respect it meets European standards ...

American standards are a little different and maybe at least now it is not possible to use a wireless module in the USA ...

  For Rutus detectors, I am used to using the sennheiser RS 160 wireless headphones .... where I set the volume of the Detector between 70-90% of the maximum volume and then I further adjust the ...volume directly in the headphones.

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Thanks E Nino, I will look into those..I have a Bluetooth setup coming that I hope will do the job. Meanwhile I am reading all I can including pouring through the forum library, the Fisher 5th edition into is enlightening !! I am able to do short 1 1/2 hr. hunts every other day and am enjoying the Alter 71, it is quite a blast to keep uncovering how the settings affect the performance. One site has so much stuff in the ground that I can hear 4 or more signals in one swing, so I am fine tuning the tones so not to be overwhelming. Less can be more soundwise, as well as a measured swing speed. As I learn more I can revisit previously hunted areas.

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If you have Alter 71 v.2 - then you can use the iron volume setting .. as well as VCO- for non-ferrous objects .. it helps detection very much .. Personally I prefer Audio type Coins ... before Audio relict ...

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11 hours ago, KevinOntheCape said:

Although coin shooting may be under using this machines capabilities, by keeping sensitivity down to 50 to 60 range I can be fairly certain of what I find. 

By no means are you under using it by coin shooting, you have already worked out that lowering sensitivity does not lower the ability to find coins. I have used as low as 40 and still pulled copper coins at good depths, what you won't hear are the small bits of foil and trash.

18khz and higher sensitivity and this machine will pick up tiny tiny targets.

The key with this machine is don't just set up disc as you traditionally would, use the tools in it's toolbox to give you the edge.

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Alter 71 is already very sensitive at a frequency of 14khz ... and has an excellent range of 0.1gram of gold - it's 15-16 cm in artest on a standard 11 "coil ..

Reach at 0.02 grams of gold is 6cm ...

  In practice, it looks like he can detect a golden eye weighing 0.05 grams at a depth of 10 cm in the ground on my test field ...
already at a frequency From 14khz -to 18.4 khz ... at a filter speed of 1-3 and a sensitivity of 80-88 ... when setting the mask to a value of 2-3 ...

filter speed 4 is still the limit where you can get the maximum range for such small targets but you have to use sensitivity 84-88 .. and masking to 2 ..

The speed of the filter 4 will already work well even in a very high mineralization .., here I would recommend reducing the frequency to the value 16.4khz .. in case you at the frequency 18.4 Khz you are already starting to gently resonate the mineralization from the ground.

Typically, a feature of heavily mineralized soil is, when the soil is debugged, you will pump with a coil only 2-3 times - instead of the usual 5 pump with a coil for moderately mineralized terrain.

For ... Alter 71 I very much use Mix mode ... which perfectly complements its detection capabilities ...IMG_20200329_181036.thumb.jpg.c9527e326dba299b93447cf0f82b733f.jpg



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I do have v.2 of the Alter and was pleased to read the coil is submersible to 1 meter, looking forward to the beaches and ponds here on Cape Cod. Being limited to short hunts I am experimenting with small changes, I settled on 12.2khz because the is no interference from my pinpointed at that setting. I have also played around with a custom coin sound profile, still working on it. With the AT Pro I struggled to dig nickels at all, it took time and I ended up in Pro Zero always.When a signal was iffy I would switch to Pro coins to identify trash, I then began to find nickels consistenly.Keep in mind I am at School fields and parks. With the Alter I can already pick out coins with confidence,still digging trash to keep learning what is what.

    I had a 1/2 your last week to get out to a field that I hit with the AT, in 15 mins I had 9 coins from Pennies to Quarters. I covered a 60 ft.stretch one swing width. I had been twice with the AT covering much more ground with less success.Not a conclusive experiment but it speaks volumes to me. With the Rufus I can use a custom tone profile and refer back to Coins 3 tones easily. Just the begining!!

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