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Hello & Detector Sales

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Sorry for the cross post in meet and greet.

New to the forum, just wanted to say hello before I started to ask questions here haha. Several years ago I bought a junker metal detector to test out the hobby, it died a couple years later now I'm back.

Wondering how good Kellyco customer service is. Ordered a new MD from them and after 10 days of patiently waiting, I was sent what Is obviously a used machine. I paid for a new one so I'm a bit irritated about it. It's Sunday so I have to wait until tomorrow to call. I could have ordered one through Amazon, but thought I'd give them a try. Any issues with Kellyco before? Not looking to bad mouth anyone, just wondering if this is common business practice. They have been around a long time I see, so I guess I expected more from them.


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Kellyco is a very large and very old business, with average customer service. That means they make most people happy, but due to size snd volume you can also find plenty of people with complaints. They are rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau.

None of which helps you. Between the pandemic and the holidays, things can get crazy, and a mistake was made. Best bet is to be patient, call them, and find a solution. You can generally count on them making good on their mistakes.

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I've had good service with Kellyco through the years. I admit that I haven't bought much from them in the last few years since they moved locations, but, what I have bought worked out well. My main gripe with them in the past was the with the freebies they include with their "package" deals. I found the extras to be mostly junk or of very poor quality. I found that there were other online detector sellers with great customer service and who included quality accessories instead of Chineseum crap. In many cases, I also got a better deal going with them. Big Boy Hobbies, Columbia, Fort Bedford, Colonial, and Extreme, along with a few others have been as good, or better in service and/or products. Going with Amazon, WalMart, etc is not something I would do when buying a detector the first time. They have no experience in detecting should you need tech or operational advice, and their customer service is just an e-mail telling you to send it in to the seller for warranty. For a first machine, or relative newbies, I recommend using a local detector store if you have one. They can be a wealth of info to local conditions and can fit you to a machine that will work best in your area and with your particular machine needs. Once you have some experience, that won't be as beneficial, but, still a great way to support the hobby and local economy. It's always nice to have a friendly local seller when you need a last minute repair or replacement part right before you head out for a road trip. I broke a digger the day before I was to fly out of state for a hunt nowhere near where I could get a replacement. A quick stop at Columbia and I was on my way with what I needed. It's hard to do that online regardless of how much you like their price and service.

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Good to hear there are some good companies to keep in mind. The only shops around here are across the river in Portland, anymore I don't go over there unless necessary. Kellyco took care of the situation, I'm sending back for another one.

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