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New Hobby Choosing A Detector

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If your thinking about the At pro then I would consider the AT gold instead. My wife uses one and she loves it. Simple to operate... Stable target ID, Light, 18khz and fast recovery. She actually prefers it over her Deus which costs nearly twice as much.



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7 hours ago, strick said:

If your thinking about the At pro then I would consider the AT gold instead. My wife uses one and she loves it. Simple to operate.

As Strick suggested, the AT gold might not be a bad choice especially if you plan to be in the water at all as it's waterproof I believe like the AT Pro. You know Murphy's law, one accidental dip in the water could ruin your day.   

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HI live in Arizona, and want to do mostly coin and jewelry hunting with the occasional hunt on old towns for relics and gold areas for gold nuggets.

I started out in this great sport Coin & Jewelry Hunting in March of '65.  I started doing a bit of Relic Hunting in old ghost towns and stage stops, etc., in May of '69.  Gold Nugget Hunting caught my interest in late 1977.  Today, perhaps 80% or more of my detecting time is devoted to Relic Hunting because I enjoy the surroundings I put myself in, and I also enjoy finding the older coins, trade tokens and artifacts.

The remainder of my time is a mix or Urban Coin & Jewelry Hunting and Gold Nugget Hunting. 


Hello, I have been researching this hobby the last week or so and I am thinking I want to give this a shot.

It's perhaps the greatest hobby you could get involved in ... and the key word here is get involved.  Take it serious and learn all you can.


I was strongly considering the AT PRO or ACE 400 after lots of research, but now someone is selling a slightly used G2+ for only $400 which is very tempting considering the price.

You should also consider an accessory coil, especially smaller-than stock, for hunting trashier areas or close to metal and structures.  Note that a change of coil might not be in harmony with a preset GB like the Ace 400 has, so manual or automated GB can be to your benefit.

The Teknetics G2+, the same gets as the Fisher F19, is an improvement over the former Gold Bug Pro and G2, and I have owned and used all of these,  but they fell a little short on performance in some of the old, iron littered sites I generally hunt.


Some guidance would be greatly appreciated!!

I like 'simple' but with ample 'functional' adjustment features that can result in 'performance' afield.  I have worked with a few AT Pro and AT Gold detectors and they are 'OK.'  I owned two F19's and used to use a few G2/Gold Bug Pro models, and they were 'OK.'  I don't own or use any of those models, preferring the Nokta FORS Relic, Makro Racer 2, Nokta FORS CoRe, in that order, for all-purpose performance, and my Nokta FORS Gold + and Makro Gold Racer models for times when I am mainly out Gold Nugget Hunting, but they can also both serve me quite well for some general application searches.

Best of success working through the detector choices that are out there, and don't forget to consider available search coils, especially a smaller-than-stock size.


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