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Whites TDI SL Or Whites TDI Beachhunter?

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I am relatively new to the use of PI machines, although I understand the technology. I have a TDI BeachHunter, but I have not used it for relic or coin hunting away from water. My question:  Can my TDIBeachHunter serve two purposes (beach and water + relic and gold nuggett hunting) or should I invest in Whites TDI SL? Despite common knowledge that TDI and TDI Pro exist on the used marketplace I have yet to see one on eBay with the exception of the TDI BeachHunter and TDI SL. I appreciate your thoughts.

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I'm pretty sure that the TDI BeachHunter and TDI SL are, essentially, the same detectors but the TDIBH is the waterproof version. I believe that the main control boards are identical. You are right about the TDI and TDI Pro being hard to find and I think it is partly because they are more powerful detectors.

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I am looking at a TDI BeachHunter and a TDI SL.  I have heard that the BeachHunter coil is not interchangeable, which means if I want to use it on land, I can’t change coils for different purposes. Then again, PI machines are not discriminators so using a smaller coil in trashy areas is a moot point. Am I correct? The BeachHunter is completely waterproof while the TDI SL is not. Most likely I won’t be submerging the detector more than a few inches. I can pick up a used TDI SL for about 800 whereas the BeachHunter is new and $1200.  I guess I am answering my own questions..purchase the TDI SL use it at the beach at waters edge and on land. For water use Whites MX Sport, although it isn’t accurate in salt water? Your thoughts.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/24/2023 at 9:39 PM, Michaeldoc2u said:

I am looking at a TDI BeachHunter and a TDI SL.  I have heard that the BeachHunter coil is not interchangeable, which means if I want to use it on land, I can’t change coils for different purposes. Then again, PI machines are not discriminators so using a smaller coil in trashy areas is a moot point. Am I correct? The BeachHunter is completely waterproof while the TDI SL is not. Most likely I won’t be submerging the detector more than a few inches. I can pick up a used TDI SL for about 800 whereas the BeachHunter is new and $1200.  I guess I am answering my own questions..purchase the TDI SL use it at the beach at waters edge and on land. For water use Whites MX Sport, although it isn’t accurate in salt water? Your thoughts.

True, the TDI Beachhunter's coil is hardwired in. I, generally, don't hunt in more than a foot of surf but the surf spray would probably ruin a TDI SL pretty quickly. I also hunt in the rain so the waterproof BH is perfect for that. I don't know anything about the MX Sport but the TDI SL and BH work very well in black sand conditions.

Perhaps the number one reason that I love these detectors is their ability to separate high and low conductors using the "Ground Balance" switch. Last year I started utilizing  this feature in target-rich conditions and felt that it was the right approach for me. It certainly gives me more options depending on the situation. 

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6 hours ago, Compass said:

True, the TDI Beachhunter's coil is hardwired in. I, generally, don't hunt in more than a foot of surf but the surf spray would probably ruin a TDI SL pretty quickly. I also hunt in the rain so the waterproof BH is perfect for that. I don't know anything about the MX Sport but the TDI SL and BH work very well in black sand conditions.

Perhaps the number one reason that I love these detectors is their ability to separate high and low conductors using the "Ground Balance" switch. Last year I started utilizing  this feature in target-rich conditions and felt that it was the right approach for me. It certainly gives me more options depending on the situation. 

I beach hunt with my SL.  I have a heavy duty zip lock bag that I enclose the box with and then seal the head phone cable.  It's a little inconvenience but I can adjust the machine through the bag. 

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   Tdi's, SL, etc... have been used at the beaches for years! Haven't heard of any major issues with them, other than if they accidentally get submerged! I have a neoprene cover on mine to help prevent sand and salt spray, and I keep an eye out for rouge waves at the water line! I can just cover with a trash bag in a rain storm! But generally stick to fair weather, as I don't want to be a lightning rod!!?

   Buddy of mine (Pi- Man) on the forum, has been using them for years without issue! He also can work on the inside of them, (moded mine) so he would be aware of any corrosion issues! (Mine are both 2018 models)! But if it's a super wet day, I have a Tesoro Sand Shark, which is fine in the water! And the good "old?" Nox 800 in a pinch! 

   Besides, a couple good deep rings will cover the cost of one, if you get swamped! And I have a spare! It's worth the risk in my book, as I can put whatever coil I want on it! Miner Johns, Sadie, etc..???

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After I get the bag to fit the way I need, I cut a small hole and insert the headphone cable, then seal with duct tape.  Gives enough protection in a sudden rain storm and the ocean spray that comes with a heavy wind.  I don't venture deeper than maybe 2-4" into the water and I use an arm cuff to prevent dropping the detector into the water. 



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