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Hi everyone,

New here.

I inherited my grandfathers Bounty Hunter RED BARON VLF SPD.
No other models numbers shown, so believe it is an RB7 type - yes vintage
I am after schematics for this unit please.
Did some searching but did not find.

After reading some posts, it seems this unit suffers from someone plugging in power incorrectly.
It has 2 x ("9V" battery type) connectors.
I believe total power for device is 24V broken into 2 x 12V packs (8x 1.5V AA batts per pack).
These carriers have been lost.
There is a blown transistor on the Blue PCB ( PCB code PCB26 PNI)
Cannot see transistor type- too much damage.

Most images I have seen of these RB7 have a beige PCB where mine is blue....

I repair vintage Hifi for a living, so with schematic can trouble shoot other components
I must say the power wiring is "creative" and wanted schematic to double check as well.
It seems RED wire from connector A and black wire from connector B  are JOINED together on the blue PCB, whilst the Black from connector A and Red from connector B go to the ON/OFF /Volume switch.

If anyone could assist with Schematic, you would be my hero. At very least, explain how the 2 x 12V packs are wired- preferably in " sketch"

Then will have to find out what type that transistor is somehow.

No doubt the IC beside this is probably gone, but at least this still has type on top,.

Pics attached
Cheers from Australia

Red Baron 1.jpg

Red Baron 2.jpg

Red Baron 3.jpg

Red Baron 4.jpg


  • Like 4

You might try contacting Keith Wills @ East Texas Metal Detectors.


He knows the Red Baron well.  Keith tried to repair one that I sent him but he was unable to due to an issue with the power supply.

  • Like 1

I bought one of those RB7's when they first came out, wow, was a fantastic coin machine "for its time", fluid swing action for the coil with that new "motion detection", and I was getting  handfuls of silver coins at my local park with it, way more so than the latest Whites coin machines of the same "vintage", and I had em all. But the RB7 was shortlived since it had limited depth, of 5-6" depth on most coins and it took faster swings to get more depth, that was annoying as well. I did have a lot of fun with that machine. Soon Whites blew them all away with slow motion as well as 9-10"+ depth on coins and deeper. As well as superb ID which to this day no one has been able to copy.

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The best I can do is a schematic for the RB5, which was the middle sister in the RB family (RB7/RB5/RB3). It should be very close to the RB7 circuit as there were only minor differences in the machines.

With only a quick look, I'd say the burned transistor is Q115 which regulates the +8V supply. You can replace it, but there may be another problem downstream that caused it to burn.

And, yes, it uses 2x12V AA battery packs, easily found online.



  • Like 5
  • Thanks 1
It's rare to see a 100 Megohm resistor in a product. And those multi-turn pots with the ball-bearing reduction gearing are cool, 1970's tech.
As one of the most probable mishaps that could've happened is the "reverse-battery power", Carl's suggestion of the regulator pass transistor failure is a good one. But that does raise the issue of what else that's 8V powered could die ... and has the -8V survived OK?
  • 1 year later...

Hi Danny, I have a RB5 that I am trying to repair. It also has a similar mod to use 9v batteries. I have the power supply 8v plus and Minus working OK but don't get a peep out of it. Circuit diagram (from Geotech) does show 12V supply as well but of course with only 9V batteries this doesn't feature.  Battery check also doesn't work. I get a small move to 4 on the meter in one direction of the battery test switch but nothing in the other. I am interested to know if you manage to repair yours? Any other suggestions from the forum of what to do with this beautiful vintage item to get going will be much appreciated.

Thanks Maurice

  • 3 weeks later...

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